Workflow Toolbar Properties
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The Microsoft® Office Developer Workflow Toolbar control contains a number of properties that can be used to customize the toolbar. You can access these properties by selecting the control in Design view of a data access page, and then opening the View menu and clicking Properties.
Name | Description |
BackColor | Returns or sets the background color for the toolbar. |
BorderHighlightColor | Returns or sets the color used to draw highlights on the control and button borders. |
BorderShadowColor | Returns or sets the color used to draw shadows on the control and button borders. |
BorderVisible | Returns or sets a Boolean value that controls whether the toolbar displays a raised border. |
DataSource | Returns the control's data source. |
Event | Returns an object with properties about the current ClickAction event. The following read-only properties are available on the Event object:
Action — The action ID from the WorkflowActions table. |
FontName | Returns or sets the font name for the toolbar. |
FontSize | Returns or sets the font size for the toolbar in points. |
FontWeight | Returns or sets the font weight for the toolbar. To make the font bold, set the value to 700. To make the font normal, set the value to 400. |
ForeColor | Returns or sets the foreground color for the toolbar. |
LockFieldsBeforeEdit | Returns or sets a Boolean value that controls whether all HTML elements and Microsoft® ActiveX® controls in the section will be disabled (except for text-edit elements which are read-only) until the user chooses an action. |
Enabled | Returns or sets a Boolean value that specifies whether the control responds to user actions. |
HideUnavailable | Returns or sets a Boolean value that specifies whether unavailable events are hidden rather than displayed as unavailable. This property might be useful if your workflow process defines a large number of events. |
RecordSource | Identifies the name of the data access page section to which the toolbar binds. |
ShowActionButtons | Returns or sets a Boolean value that controls whether the toolbar control generates a set of buttons for the available workflow events. |
ShowPictures | Returns or sets a Boolean value that controls whether pictures are shown for each toolbar menu option. |
ShowTextLabels | Returns or sets a Boolean value that controls whether text labels are shown for all buttons. |
See Also
Workflow Toolbar Object Model | CancelEvent Method (Workflow Toolbar) | ClickAction Event (Workflow Toolbar)