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Outlook Forms

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Microsoft® Outlook® forms make it possible for your users to access your workflow application when you post it to the public folder in Outlook. Outlook provides built-in forms such as the New Message form to compose messages and the New Contact form to enter information for a contact. If you have sent an e-mail message or created an appointment, you have used a form. Every Outlook item is based on a form.

You use the Outlook Forms design environment to create custom forms either from an item (based on a built-in form) or from a Microsoft® Office XP file. Use a built-in form to leverage functionality from the item associated with it — for example, to include automatic name checking in a custom form, create it from a form based on a mail message. To modify a form, you can add and remove fields, controls, options, and tabs. You can use an Office file to incorporate functionality from another Office program, such as Microsoft® Excel or Microsoft® Word, into a custom form. A form can be saved as a file (for use as a template or in another program) or in a forms library (to make the form available to others).

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