Start Menu Item Properties Screen (Packaging Wizard)
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Customize shortcuts for your application with this screen. There are separate tabs to facilitate packaging database applications, and creating Access custom profiles.
To launch the Packaging Wizard from the Start menu, select Programs, select Microsoft Office XP Developer, and then Packaging Wizard.
Shortcut tab
Sets the name, description, command line, where you want the shortcut to be, and the icon.
- Name
Displays the name of the shortcut, which can be edited. - Description
Write a description of the shortcut. - Command Line
Select if you want to customize the command line, and make your changes in the text box. When the check box is cleared, the command line text is not editable. If the check box is reselected, the command line text is disabled and the contents revert to the wizard-generated text. The following commands are available:Application type Generated command line Access Runtime $(ARTFolder)\MSAccess.exe \Runtime<space> * $(AppPath)\Name_of_MDB ADP Application $(ARTFolder)\MSAccess.exe <space> $(AppPath)\Name_of_ADP Standard VBA Application $(AppPath)\Name_of_VBASolution
*$(ARTFolder) is the path to the Access Runtime as defined in the registry.
- Start in
Set where you want the Shortcut to start to find related files. - Icon
Choose the icon associated with the shortcut from the list of files added to the project. The picture displays the selected icon.
Database Properties tab
Sets shortcut information specific to a database.
- Name
Displays the name of the database shortcut as defined when you created the shortcut in the Define Start Menu Shortcuts Screen (Packaging Wizard). - Command Line
Displays the command line. If Access Runtime is included, the Runtime option is added automatically. - Database Shortcut Action Properties
Makes it possible for you to choose between Open and Compact. Choosing Compact modifies the command line accordingly by adding /Compact to the command line before the main file name. - Database Command Line Options
Makes it possible for modification of the database shortcut for workgroups, user profiles, and exclusivity. For additional information about the implications of choosing these options, consult the Access online help. - Profile
Move to the Access User Profile tab where you can set properties for the profile. To use profiles in your package, you must include the workgroup file (for example, system.mdw) associated with the application.
Profile Tab
This tab is only enabled for Access custom profiles, or any application where you selected specify command line on the shortcut tab. For additional information about the implications of choosing these options, consult the Access online help.
- Profile Name
Sets a name for the profile. - Application Title Bar Text
Sets the title bar text for the application. - Application Icon
Choose the icon to be used on the title bar of the application from the list of files added to the project. The picture dispalys the selected icon. - Help File
Choose the HTM or CHM help file associated with the application from the list of files added to the project. - Startup Screen Bitmap
Choose the bitmap that will be used on the startup screen for the application from the list of files added to the project.
See Also
Define Start Menu Shortcuts Screen (Packaging Wizard) | Defining Start Menu Shortcuts | Packaging Wizard | Creating a Setup Package Using the Packaging Wizard | The Packaging Process