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Select Code Commenter or Error Handler Templates Window (Code Commenter and Error Handler)

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This dialog box makes it possible for you to select the file you wish to use as your template. To open this dialog box, select the browse "…" button from the Code Commenter and Error Handler add-in.

To open the Code Commenter and Error Handler add-in, open the Microsoft® Visual Basic® Editor (ALT + F11) from any Office application. If the Code Commenter and Error Handler tool is not listed in the Add-Ins menu, you must first load it, using the Add-In Manager located in the Add-Ins menu. When the tool is loaded, you can launch it from the Add-Ins menu. To load the Code Commenter and Error Handler add-in into the Add-In Manager, select the add-in, and then select the Loaded/Unloaded check box.

  • Look in
    Displays a tree view to make it possible for you to browse for the file you wish to select as your template.
  • File list box
    Displays the available files for the selected directory and file type.
  • File name
    Select the file you wish to use as your template.
  • Files of type
    Search for files by the type or extension of the file. You can choose between files of type Code Commenter and Error Handler templates (.eht), text (.txt), or all files (*.*).
  • Open
    Opens the file you select and returns to the Code Commenter and Error Handler main dialog box. Open as read-only specifies that the template will be a read-only version.

See Also

Code Commenter and Error Handler Template Formats | Main Dialog Box (Code Commenter and Error Handler) | Template Editor (Code Commenter and Error Handler)