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Testing Your Workflow for Exchange Server

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After adding a workflow process and a user interface, you can test the workflow process. Even without any script, the workflow states you have designated, along with permissible transitions and events, are enforced when you enter data into your user interface. For more information about user interfaces, see Developing the User Interface for Exchange Workflow.

Note   Before you can test your workflow, you must have it workflow enabled in the folder. For more information see, Enabling a Workflow Process for Exchange Server.

To test a workflow process

  1. Use the user interface you created, either a Microsoft® Outlook® form or a Web form, to post the form to the workflow enabled exchange folder.
  2. If you have designed a workflow process that sends notification mail on the OnCreate or OnChange event, an e-mail message is then sent to you.
  3. If workflow is not performing as expected, return to your workflow diagram and make sure you have saved your workflow. In addition, make sure you have created the necessary transitions and added appropriate events for your states.

See Also

Building a Workflow Process for Exchange Server | Understanding the Workflow Process | Creating the Exchange Folder for the Project | Creating the Project and Workflow Process for Exchange Server | Setting the Project Properties for Exchange Server | Using the Workflow Design Surface | Adding and Modifying States in a Workflow | Adding and Modifying Transitions in Workflow | Copying a Workflow Process for Exchange Server | Deleting a Workflow Process for Exchange Server