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Configuring the Exchange Server for Workflow Development

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To configure the Exchange Server for workflow applications, the user account that is used to run workflow applications has to be part of these two COM+ roles:

  • Can Register Workflow
  • Privileged Workflow Authors

To add the user to the two COM+ roles

  1. From the Start menu, point to Programs, point to Administrative Tools, and then point to Component Services.

  2. In the Component Services dialog box, open the Component Services node, then Computers, then My Computer, then COM+ Applications, then Workflow Event Sink, and finally open Roles.

    There are two workflow roles there — Can Register Workflow and Privileged Workflow Authors.

  3. Add the user to both of these roles by right clicking and adding the user.

    The user account also must be a member of the Exchange Domain Servers group.

  4. From the Start menu, point to Programs, point to Administrative Tools, and then point to Active Directory Users and Computers.

  5. In the Domain Users folder, right-click the user name, and select Properties.

  6. Select the Member Of tab, and click Add.

  7. Find the Exchange Domain Servers group, and add the user.

    To have workflow applications run under this user's account:

  8. From the Start menu, point to Programs, point to Administrative Tools, and then point to Component Services.

  9. In the Component Services dialog box, open the Component Services node, then Computers, then My Computer, and finally open COM+ Applications.

  10. Right-click Workflow Event Sink, and then select Properties.

  11. Select the Identity tab, and then select this user.

  12. Add the user, and enter required password.

You might have to shut down and restart the application for the changes to take place.

See Also

Building a Workflow Process for Exchange Server | Understanding the Workflow Process | Creating the Project and Workflow Process for Exchange Server | Setting the Project Properties for Exchange Server | Using the Workflow Design Surface | Adding and Modifying States in a Workflow | Adding and Modifying Transitions in Workflow | Copying a Workflow Process for Exchange Server | Deleting a Workflow Process for Exchange Server | Viewing and Printing the Workflow