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Web Part Schema Properties

This content is no longer actively maintained. It is provided as is, for anyone who may still be using these technologies, with no warranties or claims of accuracy with regard to the most recent product version or service release.

The property values of the Web Part schema are interpreted by the dashboard view. The properties are part of the Web Part content class that the default dashboard factory engine uses. You can define additional properties for Web Parts, but they will not be part of the base content class.

A property is either user- or view-specific. Properties that are not user-specific contain metadata about the Web Part. You can implement a dashboard, so it stores specific property values for each user, making it possible for different users to set different values for certain properties.

In This Section

Web Part Schema Priorities and Conflicts

AllowMinimize Property

AllowRemove Property

CacheBehavior Property

CacheTimeout Property

Content Property

ContentLink Property

ContentType Property

CustomizationLink Property

Description Property

DetailLink Property

FrameState Property

HasFrame Property

Height Property

HelpLink Property

IsIncluded Property

IsVisible Property

LastModified Property

MasterPartLink Property

Namespace Property

PartImageLarge Property

PartImageSmall Property

PartOrder Property

PartStorage Property

RequiresIsolation Property

Title Property

Width Property

XSL Property

XSLLink Property

Zone Property

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