Error Messages
This content is no longer actively maintained. It is provided as is, for anyone who may still be using these technologies, with no warranties or claims of accuracy with regard to the most recent product version or service release.
This topic contains information about some of the more common error messages in the following areas:
- Server Errors
- Database Errors
- Template Errors
- User Directory Synchronization Errors
Server Errors
Server errors can occur during server setup and workflow application registration.
Unable to Verify That FrontPage Server Extensions Are Set Up
Unable to verify that FrontPage Server Extensions are set up and working properly. Please set up FrontPage Server Extensions manually.
The Microsoft® FrontPage® server extensions are not configured properly on your computer. To set up the FrontPage Server Extensions manually, please consult the FrontPage or Microsoft® Windows® 2000 documentation.
After setting up the server extensions, try installing the Workflow Designer for SQL Server again.
There was an error connecting to the server 'servername'
There was an error connecting to the server 'servername'
If you receive this error when you attempt to create a new SQL Server workflow project, make sure the server is running and you have typed the name of the server correctly.
Cannot create Web
Cannot create Web: <name>. Verify that the server connection is working properly and that you have appropriate permissions to create a new Web on your server.
The Web Site or Virtual Directory used with workflow applications must have the Windows® authentication option enabled. If this option is disabled, you will not be able to register the database.
Database Errors
A database error occurs if the user does not have the required permissions to perform an action, or the database is locked.
You Are Not an Owner of This Database
You are not an owner of this database. Please contact an administrator of this database to get database ownership permissions.
If you attempt to work on a database for which you do not have database owner (db_owner) privileges, then you receive this error message. This message opens the Connect to Database dialog box. However, you will not be able to connect to the database until you have the appropriate permissions.
To solve this problem
- Close the Connect to Database dialog box, and have your server administrator give you db_owner permissions for the database.
The Project Database Is Locked by Another User
The project database is locked by another user.
Only one user at a time can edit any particular Workflow Application for SQL Server. If someone else has the workflow application open, you will not be able to work on it until that person closes the database.
A database also can become locked if the development environment terminates abnormally, such as in the case of a hardware failure or software crash. In such instances, you must unlock the database manually.
To unlock a project database manually
- Open the SQL Server Enterprise Manager.
- Expand the server that contains the project database, and then expand the database.
- Open the table modProperties.
- Delete the two rows Lock and LockSession from the table.
Template Errors
A template error occurs when you try to save a template with a name that is assigned to another template already.
Invalid Template Name
Invalid template name: <name>. A template with that name already exists. Choose a different name, and try again. Would you like to overwrite the template?
When you try to save a workflow application as a template and the operation fails, the template is not removed automatically from the database and, therefore, still displays in the Workflow Manager for SQL Server.
If the template does not function properly, you can remove it from the template directory. If you cannot delete a template using the Workflow Manager, you can remove the template information manually using SQL Server Enterprise Manager.
To remove a template using the Workflow Manager for SQL Server
- In the Workflow Manager for SQL Server, click the Templates tab.
- On the Templates tab, select the template in the list, and click Delete to remove the template.
To remove a template manually using the SQL Server Enterprise Manager
- In the Enterprise Manager, expand the Databases node of the server.
- Expand the modSystem database node, and select the Tables node.
- Right-click the <templatename>template table, and select DropAll.
- Open the modTemplates table, and delete the row in which the template name is displayed in the Name column.
User Directory Synchronization Errors
Synchronization errors occur when the computer does not have needed files, when permissions are not assigned correctly for synchronization, and when information is missing from the source directory.
Unable to Connect to the Exchange Server 'servername'
Unable to connect to the Exchange Server 'servername'One or more users could not be found on local machine or domain
If you receive this error when you attempt to schedule User Directory synchronization with an Exchange 5.5 server, check to make sure that you have typed the name of the Exchange server correctly, and that the server is running.
User Directory Synchronization options can only be accessed from the computer running SQL Server
User Directory Synchronization options can only be accessed from the computer running SQL Server. For details, see "Troubleshooting SQL Server Workflow Applications" in the Office Developer online documentation.
If you receive this error when you attempt to schedule User Directory synchronization or Workflow Timeout jobs, the computer that you are using does not have the file SQLNS.dll registered on it. SQLNS.dll is installed with SQL Server.
To solve this problem
- Perform all synchronization and Workflow Timeout job scheduling on a computer that has SQL Server installed.
Failed to Create Component UserList.Connect
Failed to create component UserList.ConnectAccess is denied.
If the workflow application User Directory synchronization fails with an error indicating that access is denied to the UserList.Connect component, then you must add permissions to this component manually using the DCOMCNFG utility.
To add permissions to UserList.Connect
- On the server, run DCOMCNFG at the command prompt. Type DCOMCNFG on the command line, and accept the defaults to any initial prompts.
- On the Default Security tab, under Default Access Permissions, select Edit Default.
- Click Add.
- In the Add Names field, enter the name of the administrative user in the form domain\username.
- Click OK to close the dialog boxes.
- Restart the server.
One or More Users Could Not Be Synchronized with the Exchange Server
User information synchronized with the following errors:One or more users could not be synchronized with the Exchange Server 'servername' Please check the Application log for details.
If you receive this error when you synchronize the workflow application User Directory, it is because not all database users have information in the Microsoft® Exchange address book. Typically, the <Servername>\Administrator and <Servername>\domadmin appear as database users but rarely have Exchange information.
To solve this problem
- Verify that the users who could not be synchronized are valid application users with valid Microsoft® Windows® 2000 accounts. If the user accounts causing the error are not used by the workflow application, you can ignore this error.
- Create valid Exchange Server accounts for any users who should be included in the user directory.
See Also
Troubleshooting Workflow Applications for SQL Server | Troubleshooting Setup and Server Issues | Troubleshooting Database Issues | Troubleshooting Workflow Process and Scripting Issues | Troubleshooting Security and Permissions Issues