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Adding Shapes to Slides

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Typically, you use the Add method of a collection object to add an item to the collection. For example, to add a slide to a Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation, you use the Presentation object's Slides collection's Add method. However, adding shapes to a slide is a little different. The PowerPoint object model provides a different method for each shape you can add to a slide. For example, the following sample inserts a new slide at the end of the current presentation and uses two methods of the Shapes collection to add shapes to the slide. The AddTextEffect method is used to add a WordArt shape and the AddTextbox method is used to add a text box shape:

Sub AddTestSlideAndShapes()
   ' Illustrate how to add shapes to a slide and then
   ' center the shapes in relation to the slide and
   ' each other.
   Dim sldNewSlide         As PowerPoint.Slide
   Dim shpCurrShape        As PowerPoint.Shape
   Dim lngSlideHeight      As Long
   Dim lngSlideWidth       As Long
   With ActivePresentation
      ' Determine height and width of slide.
      With .PageSetup
         lngSlideHeight = .SlideHeight
         lngSlideWidth = .SlideWidth
      End With
      ' Add new slide to end of presentation.
      Set sldNewSlide = .Slides.Add(.Slides.Count + 1, ppLayoutBlank)
      With sldNewSlide
         ' Specify a background color for the slide.
         .ColorScheme = ActivePresentation.ColorSchemes(3)
         ' Add a WordArt shape by using the AddTextEffect method.
         Set shpCurrShape = .Shapes.AddTextEffect(msoTextEffect16, _
            "Familiar Quotations", "Tahoma", 42, msoFalse, msoFalse, 100, 100)
         ' Locate the WordArt shape at the middle of the slide, near the top.
         With shpCurrShape
            .Left = (lngSlideWidth - .Width) / 2
            .Top = (lngSlideHeight - .Height) / 8
         End With
         ' Add a Textbox shape to the slide and add text to the shape.
         Set shpCurrShape = .Shapes _
            .AddTextbox(msoTextOrientationHorizontal, 100, 100, 500, 500)
         With shpCurrShape
            With .TextFrame.TextRange
               .Text = "'If not now, when? If not us, who?'" _
                  & vbCrLf & "'There is no time like the present.'" _
                  & vbCrLf & "'Ask not what your country can do for you, " _
                  & "ask what you can do for your country.'"
               With .ParagraphFormat
                  .Alignment = ppAlignLeft
                  .Bullet = msoTrue
               End With
               With .Font
                  .Bold = msoTrue
                  .Name = "Tahoma"
                  .Size = 24
               End With
            End With
            ' Shrink the Textbox to match the text it now contains.
            .Width = .TextFrame.TextRange.BoundWidth
            .Height = .TextFrame.TextRange.BoundHeight
            .Left = (lngSlideWidth - .Width) / 2
            .Top = (lngSlideHeight - .Height) / 2
         End With
      End With
   End With
End Sub

See Also

Working with Shapes on Slides | Positioning Shapes on Slides | Working with Text in a Shape