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Application Information Screen (Packaging Wizard)

This content is no longer actively maintained. It is provided as is, for anyone who may still be using these technologies, with no warranties or claims of accuracy with regard to the most recent product version or service release.

This screen makes it possible for you to register information about the particular application you wish to package, including the version.

To launch the Packaging Wizard from the Start menu, select Programs, and then select Microsoft Office XP Developer, and then Packaging Wizard.

  • Application title
    Provides a title for your application. The main application file name is provided by default, but can be edited.
  • Company name
    Provides your operating system's company name by default, but can be edited to reflect a new company name.
  • Version
    Provides your version number. The version number is set at 1.000.0000 by default, but can be edited.
  • Setup Language
    Select the setup language of your target package from the drop-down box. The setup program you create will contain the necessary files to present the standard setup user interface in the language you select. Note that this does not impact the language of the Access Runtime. You must set that separately on the Access Runtime screen.

See Also

Identifying Application and Setup Package Information | Packaging Wizard | Creating a Setup Package Using the Packaging Wizard | The Packaging Process | Access Runtime Screen (Packaging Wizard)