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Writing Code in the Add-in Designer

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After you have specified general information for a COM add-in in the add-in designer, you can begin writing code in the designer's class module. To view the add-in designer's class module, right-click the add-in designer in the Project Explorer, and then click View Code on the shortcut menu.

Code that is in the add-in designer handles the add-in's integration with the host application. For example, code that runs when the add-in is loaded or unloaded resides in the add-in designer's module. If the add-in contains forms, the add-in designer might contain code to display the forms.

See Also

Building COM Add-ins for Office Applications | Working with Add-in Designers | Specifying Load Behavior | Implementing the IDTExtensibility2 Library | Working with the IDTExtensibility2 Event Procedures | Hooking a COM Add-in Up to a Command Bar Control | Debugging a COM Add-in | Making the DLL | Distributing COM Add-ins | COM Add-ins and Security