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Understanding the Workbook Object

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In the Microsoft® Excel object model, the Workbook object appears just below the Application object. The Workbook object represents an Excel .xls or .xla workbook file. You use the Workbook object to work with a single Excel workbook. You use the Workbooks collection to work with all currently open Workbook objects.

You can also use the Application object's ActiveWorkbook property to return a reference to the currently active workbook. The Workbooks collection has a Count property you can use to determine how many visible and hidden workbooks are open. By default, Excel typically has one hidden workbook named Personal.xls. The Personal.xls workbook is created by Excel as a place to store macros. If the hidden Personal.xls workbook is the only open workbook, the ActiveWorkbook property returns Nothing, but the Workbooks collection's Count property returns 1. The Workbooks collection's Count property will return 0 only when there are no hidden or visible open workbooks.

See Also

Working with Microsoft Excel Objects | Creating, Saving, Opening, and Closing Workbook Objects | Understanding the Excel Application Object | Understanding the Worksheet Object | Understanding the Range Object