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Understanding Events in Outlook

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There are two classes of events in Microsoft® Outlook®, and you work with each class differently. The first class of events supported in Outlook represents application-level events. Because these events are associated with the application itself, or with top-level objects within the application, such as folders or the Outlook Bar, you can use Microsoft® Visual Basic® for Applications (VBA) code to handle these events.

The second class represents item-level events that are associated with a particular Outlook item. For example, an Outlook MailItem object has events such as Open, Close, Forward, and Send. As in previous versions of Outlook, you use Visual Basic Scripting Edition (VBScript) code within the item itself to handle these item-level events.

See Also

Working with Microsoft Outlook Objects | Understanding the Application and NameSpace Objects | Working with Outlook Folders and Items | Understanding the Explorer and Inspector Objects | Understanding VBA in Outlook | Understanding Events in Outlook | Application-Level Events | Item-Level Events