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PowerPoint Templates

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As with a Microsoft® Excel template, when you create a new Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation based on a template, the new presentation is a copy of the template. Only one Microsoft® Visual Basic® for Applications (VBA) project is loaded for the new presentation, but it includes all the components you have defined in the presentation template.

Use a PowerPoint template when you must have a custom application for building presentations. A presentation template makes it easy for your users to build attractive slide presentations and saves them time laying out the presentation or looking for the right graphics. You can include content in the template, such as information about departmental contacts, for example, or placeholders for quarterly sales information in a financial presentation. In addition, you can include instructions that guide the user in completing the presentation.

PowerPoint includes a number of custom templates you can use and modify. The templates that appear on the Design Templates tab of the General Templates menu contain only formatted backgrounds. The templates that appear on the Presentations tab also contain text and placeholders for information, navigation buttons, and instructions for completing the presentation.

To create a PowerPoint template, create a new presentation, add any text, graphics, buttons, toolbars, custom dialog boxes, and code, and save the presentation in the C:\Windows\Application Data\Microsoft\Templates folder; if user profiles are being used, save the template in the C:\Windows\Profiles\UserName\Application Data\Microsoft\Templates folder.

To create a new presentation based on your custom template, run PowerPoint, and click New on the File menu. Select your template in the New Presentation dialog box, and then click OK.

See also

Creating Templates | Word Templates | Excel Templates | Access Templates