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Microsoft FrontPage Command Bars

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In Microsoft® FrontPage®, you can create custom command bars that will be available in the FrontPage workspace. In other words, custom command bars are generally available and are not linked to a specific FrontPage-based web. FrontPage command bars are saved in a file named CmdUI.PRF. If user profiles have been set up for multiple users, CmdUI.PRF is stored in the C:\Windows\Profiles\UserName\Application Data\Microsoft\FrontPage\State subfolder. If user profiles have not been set up, CmdUI.PRF is stored in the C:\Windows\Application Data\Microsoft\FrontPage\State subfolder.

See Also

Working with Command Bars | Understanding Application-Specific Command Bar Information | Microsoft Access Command Bars | Microsoft Excel Command Bars | Microsoft Outlook Command Bars | Microsoft PowerPoint Command Bars | Microsoft Word Command Bars