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Displaying HTML Help

This content is no longer actively maintained. It is provided as is, for anyone who may still be using these technologies, with no warranties or claims of accuracy with regard to the most recent product version or service release.

HTML Help supports many of the same features as Microsoft WinHelp 4.0 and uses a similar development model with a Help project file to combine topic, contents, index, image, and other source files into one compiled HTML Help file. You can also use many of the same HTML Help features available in a compiled HTML Help file by using either the HTML Help ActiveX control or the HTML Help JScript applet to display your Help system from a Web browser.

You can use HTML Help to display Help topics for users in a variety of ways:

  • By using the free-standing HTML Help Viewer

  • By using customized windows called within an Office application

  • From a Web site, by using the HTML Help ActiveX control (for Internet Explorer) or the HTML Help JScript applet

    Note   HTML Help also allows you to author context-sensitive pop-up Help for user-interface elements. However, Office XP applications don't support context-sensitive Help that has been authored by using HTML Help. To create context-sensitive Help for Office applications, you must use WinHelp 4.0 (.hlp) files.

See Also

Displaying Help in Forms and Documents | Adding Help to Your Custom Application | What Is Microsoft HTML Help?| HTML Help Tools and Features | What Kinds of Help Systems Can You Create? | Working with the HTML Help ActiveX Control | Deploying HTML Help