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How to: Return a Random Record from a DAO Recordset

Microsoft Access does not have a built-in mechanism for returning a random record from a set of records. This topic describes a sample user-defined function that you can use to return a random record.

Function FindRandom (RecordSetName As String, Fieldname As String) 
 Dim MyDB As Database 
 Dim MyRS As Recordset 
 Dim SpecificRecord As Long, i As Long, NumOfRecords As Long 
 Set MyDB = CurrentDB() 
 Set MyRS = MyDB.OpenRecordset(RecordSetName, dbOpenDynaset) 
 On Error GoTo NoRecords 
 NumOfRecords = MyRS.RecordCount 
 SpecificRecord = Int(NumOfRecords * Rnd) 
 If SpecificRecord = NumOfRecords Then 
 SpecificRecord = SpecificRecord - 1 
 End If 
 For i = 1 To SpecificRecord 
 Next i 
 FindRandom = MyRS(Fieldname) 
 Exit Function 
 If Err = 3021 Then 
 MsgBox "There Are No Records In The Dynaset", 16, "Error" 
 MsgBox "Error - " & Err & Chr$(13) & Chr$(10) & Error, _ 
 16, "Error" 
 End If 
 FindRandom = "No Records" 
 Exit Function 
End Function