Global.NewWindow Method (Word)
Opens a new window with the same document as the specified window. Returns a Window object.
expression .NewWindow
expression Required. A variable that represents a Global object.
Return Value
If the NewWindow method is used with the Application object, a new window is opened for the active window. The following two instructions are functionally equivalent.
Set myWindow = ActiveDocument.ActiveWindow.NewWindow
Set myWindow = NewWindow
This example posts a message that indicates the number of windows that exist before and after you open a new window for Document1.
MsgBox Windows.Count & " windows open"
MsgBox Windows.Count & " windows open"
This example opens a new window, arranges all the open windows, closes the new window, and then rearranges the open windows.
Set myWindow = NewWindow
Windows.Arrange ArrangeStyle:=wdTiled
Windows.Arrange ArrangeStyle:=wdTiled