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Recordset.Update Method (DAO)


expression .Update(UpdateType, Force)

expression A variable that represents a Recordset object.




Data Type





A UpdateTypeEnum constant indicating the type of update, as specified in Settings (ODBCDirect workspaces only).




A Boolean value indicating whether or not to force the changes into the database, regardless of whether the underlying data has been changed by another user since the AddNew, Delete, or Edit call. If True, the changes are forced and changes made by other users are simply overwritten. If False (default), changes made by another user while the update is pending will cause the update to fail for those changes that are in conflict. No error occurs, but the BatchCollisionCount and BatchCollisions properties will indicate the number of conflicts and the rows affected by conflicts, respectively (ODBCDirect workspaces only).


Use Update to save the current record and any changes you've made to it.


Changes to the current record are lost if:

  • You use the Edit or AddNew method, and then move to another record without first using Update.

  • You use Edit or AddNew, and then use Edit or AddNew again without first using Update.

  • You set the Bookmark property to another record.

  • You close the Recordset without first using Update.

  • You cancel the Edit operation by using CancelUpdate.

To edit a record, use the Edit method to copy the contents of the current record to the copy buffer. If you don't use Edit first, an error occurs when you use Update or attempt to change a field's value.

In an ODBCDirect workspace, you can do batch updates, provided the cursor library supports batch updates, and the Recordset was opened with the optimistic batch locking option.

In a Microsoft Access workspace, when the Recordset object's LockEdits property setting is True (pessimistically locked) in a multiuser environment, the record remains locked from the time Edit is used until the Update method is executed or the edit is canceled. If the LockEdits property setting is False (optimistically locked), the record is locked and compared with the pre-edited record just before it is updated in the database. If the record has changed since you used the Edit method, the Update operation fails. Microsoft Access database engine-connected ODBC and installable ISAM databases always use optimistic locking. To continue the Update operation with your changes, use the Update method again. To revert to the record as the other user changed it, refresh the current record by using Move 0.


To add, edit, or delete a record, there must be a unique index on the record in the underlying data source. If not, a "Permission denied" error will occur on the AddNew, Delete, or Edit method call in a Microsoft Access workspace, or an "Invalid argument" error will occur on the Update call in an ODBCDirect workspace.


This example demonstrates the Update method in conjunction with Edit method.

Sub UpdateX() 
 Dim dbsNorthwind As Database 
 Dim rstEmployees As Recordset 
 Dim strOldFirst As String 
 Dim strOldLast As String 
 Dim strMessage As String 
 Set dbsNorthwind = OpenDatabase("Northwind.mdb") 
 Set rstEmployees = _ 
 With rstEmployees 
 ' Store original data. 
 strOldFirst = !FirstName 
 strOldLast = !LastName 
 ' Change data in edit buffer. 
 !FirstName = "Linda" 
 !LastName = "Kobara" 
 ' Show contents of buffer and get user input. 
 strMessage = "Edit in progress:" & vbCr & _ 
 " Original data = " & strOldFirst & " " & _ 
 strOldLast & vbCr & " Data in buffer = " & _ 
 !FirstName & " " & !LastName & vbCr & vbCr & _ 
 "Use Update to replace the original data with " & _ 
 "the buffered data in the Recordset?" 
 If MsgBox(strMessage, vbYesNo) = vbYes Then 
 End If 
 ' Show the resulting data. 
 MsgBox "Data in recordset = " & !FirstName & " " & _ 
 ' Restore original data because this is a demonstration. 
 If Not (strOldFirst = !FirstName And _ 
 strOldLast = !LastName) Then 
 !FirstName = strOldFirst 
 !LastName = strOldLast 
 End If 
 End With 
End Sub 

This example demonstrates the Update method in conjunction with the AddNew method.

Sub UpdateX2() 
 Dim dbsNorthwind As Database 
 Dim rstEmployees As Recordset 
 Dim strOldFirst As String 
 Dim strOldLast As String 
 Dim strMessage As String 
 Set dbsNorthwind = OpenDatabase("Northwind.mdb") 
 Set rstEmployees = _ 
 With rstEmployees 
 !FirstName = "Bill" 
 !LastName = "Sornsin" 
 ' Show contents of buffer and get user input. 
 strMessage = "AddNew in progress:" & vbCr & _ 
 " Data in buffer = " & !FirstName & " " & _ 
 !LastName & vbCr & vbCr & _ 
 "Use Update to save buffer to recordset?" 
 If MsgBox(strMessage, vbYesNoCancel) = vbYes Then 
 ' Go to the new record and show the resulting data. 
 .Bookmark = .LastModified 
 MsgBox "Data in recordset = " & !FirstName & _ 
 " " & !LastName 
 ' Delete new data because this is a demonstration. 
 MsgBox "No new record added." 
 End If 
 End With 
End Sub 

This example uses the BatchCollisionCount property and the Update method to demonstrate batch updating where any collisions are resolved by forcing the batch update.

Sub BatchX() 
 Dim wrkMain As Workspace 
 Dim conMain As Connection 
 Dim rstTemp As Recordset 
 Dim intLoop As Integer 
 Dim strPrompt As String 
 Set wrkMain = CreateWorkspace("ODBCWorkspace", _ 
 "admin", "", dbUseODBC) 
 ' This DefaultCursorDriver setting is required for 
 ' batch updating. 
 wrkMain.DefaultCursorDriver = dbUseClientBatchCursor 
 ' Note: The DSN referenced below must be configured to 
 ' use Microsoft Windows NT Authentication Mode to 
 ' authorize user access to the Microsoft SQL Server. 
 Set conMain = wrkMain.OpenConnection("Publishers", _ 
 dbDriverNoPrompt, False, _ 
 ' The following locking argument is required for 
 ' batch updating. It is also required that a table 
 ' with a primary key is used. 
 Set rstTemp = conMain.OpenRecordset( _ 
 "SELECT * FROM roysched", dbOpenDynaset, 0, _ 
 With rstTemp 
 ' Modify data in local recordset. 
 Do While Not .EOF 
 If !royalty <= 20 Then 
 !royalty = !royalty - 4 
 !royalty = !royalty + 2 
 End If 
 ' Attempt a batch update. 
 .Update dbUpdateBatch 
 ' If there are collisions, give the user the option 
 ' of forcing the changes or resolving them 
 ' individually. 
 If .BatchCollisionCount > 0 Then 
 strPrompt = "There are collisions. " & vbCr & _ 
 "Do you want the program to force " & _ 
 vbCr & "an update using the local data?" 
 If MsgBox(strPrompt, vbYesNo) = vbYes Then _ 
 .Update dbUpdateBatch, True 
 End If 
 End With 
End Sub 

This example uses the AddNew method to create a new record with the specified name. The AddName function is required for this procedure to run.

Sub AddNewX() 
 Dim dbsNorthwind As Database 
 Dim rstEmployees As Recordset 
 Dim strFirstName As String 
 Dim strLastName As String 
 Set dbsNorthwind = OpenDatabase("Northwind.mdb") 
 Set rstEmployees = _ 
 dbsNorthwind.OpenRecordset("Employees", dbOpenDynaset) 
 ' Get data from the user. 
 strFirstName = Trim(InputBox( _ 
 "Enter first name:")) 
 strLastName = Trim(InputBox( _ 
 "Enter last name:")) 
 ' Proceed only if the user actually entered something 
 ' for both the first and last names. 
 If strFirstName <> "" and strLastName <> "" Then 
 ' Call the function that adds the record. 
 AddName rstEmployees, strFirstName, strLastName 
 ' Show the newly added data. 
 With rstEmployees 
 Debug.Print "New record: " & !FirstName & _ 
 " " & !LastName 
 ' Delete new record because this is a demonstration. 
 End With 
 Debug.Print _ 
 "You must input a string for first and last name!" 
 End If 
End Sub 
Function AddName(rstTemp As Recordset, _ 
 strFirst As String, strLast As String) 
 ' Adds a new record to a Recordset using the data passed 
 ' by the calling procedure. The new record is then made 
 ' the current record. 
 With rstTemp 
 !FirstName = strFirst 
 !LastName = strLast 
 .Bookmark = .LastModified 
 End With 
End Function