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LineFormat Members

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Represents line and arrowhead formatting. For a line, the LineFormat object contains formatting information for the line itself; for a shape with a border, this object contains formatting information for the shape's border.

The LineFormat type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property Application Returns an Application object that represents the creator of the specified object.
Public property BackColor Returns or sets a ColorFormat object that represents the background color for the specified fill or patterned line. Read/write.
Public property BeginArrowheadLength Returns or sets the length of the arrowhead at the beginning of the specified line. Read/write.
Public property BeginArrowheadStyle Returns or sets the style of the arrowhead at the beginning of the specified line. Read/write.
Public property BeginArrowheadWidth Returns or sets the width of the arrowhead at the beginning of the specified line. Read/write.
Public property Creator Returns a 64-bit signed integer that represents the four-character creator code for the application in which the specified object was created. For example, if the object was created in Microsoft PowerPoint, this property returns the hexadecimal number 50575054. Read-only.
Public property DashStyle Returns or sets the dash style for the specified line. Read/write.
Public property EndArrowheadLength Returns or sets the length of the arrowhead at the end of the specified line. Read/write.
Public property EndArrowheadStyle Returns or sets the style of the arrowhead at the end of the specified line. Read/write.
Public property EndArrowheadWidth Returns or sets the width of the arrowhead at the end of the specified line. Read/write.
Public property ForeColor Returns or sets a ColorFormat object that represents the foreground color for the fill, line, or shadow. Read/write.
Public property InsetPen Detemines whether to draw lines on the inside of a specified shape. Read/write.
Public property Parent Returns the parent object for the specified object.
Public property Pattern Sets or returns a value that represents the pattern applied to the specified line. Read/write.
Public property Style Returns or sets the line style. Read/write.
Public property Transparency Returns or sets the degree of transparency of the specified fill, shadow, or line as a value between 0.0 (opaque) and 1.0 (clear). Read/write.
Public property Visible Returns or sets the visibility of the specified object or the formatting applied to the specified object. Read/write.
Public property Weight Returns or sets the thickness of the specified line, in points. Read/write.


See Also


LineFormat Interface

Microsoft.Office.Interop.PowerPoint Namespace