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Template Object Members

Word Developer Reference

Represents a document template. The Template object is a member of the Templates collection. The Templates collection includes all the available Template objects.


  Name Description
Bb257982.methods(en-us,office.12).gif OpenAsDocument Opens the specified template as a document and returns a Document object.
Bb257982.methods(en-us,office.12).gif Save Saves the specified template.


  Name Description
Bb257982.properties(en-us,office.12).gif Application Returns an Application object that represents the Microsoft Word application.
Bb257982.properties(en-us,office.12).gif BuildingBlockEntries Returns a BuildingBlockEntries collection that represents the collection of building block entries in a template. Read-only.
Bb257982.properties(en-us,office.12).gif BuildingBlockTypes Returns a BuildingBlockTypes collection that represents the collection of building block types that are contained in a template. Read-only.
Bb257982.properties(en-us,office.12).gif BuiltInDocumentProperties Returns a DocumentProperties collection that represents all the built-in document properties for the specified document.
Bb257982.properties(en-us,office.12).gif Creator Returns a 32-bit integer that indicates the application in which the specified object was created. Read-only Long.
Bb257982.properties(en-us,office.12).gif CustomDocumentProperties Returns a DocumentProperties collection that represents all the custom document properties for the specified document.
Bb257982.properties(en-us,office.12).gif FarEastLineBreakLanguage Returns or sets the East Asian language to use when breaking lines of text in the specified document or template. Read/write WdFarEastLineBreakLanguageID.
Bb257982.properties(en-us,office.12).gif FarEastLineBreakLevel Returns or sets the line break control level for the specified document. Read/write WdFarEastLineBreakLevel.
Bb257982.properties(en-us,office.12).gif FullName Specifies the name of a template, including the drive or Web path. Read-only String.
Bb257982.properties(en-us,office.12).gif JustificationMode Returns or sets the character spacing adjustment for the specified template. Read/write WdJustificationMode.
Bb257982.properties(en-us,office.12).gif KerningByAlgorithm True if Microsoft Word kerns half-width Latin characters and punctuation marks in the specified document. Read/write Boolean.
Bb257982.properties(en-us,office.12).gif LanguageID Returns or sets a WdLanguageID constant that represents the language for the specified range. Read/write.
Bb257982.properties(en-us,office.12).gif LanguageIDFarEast Returns or sets an East Asian language for the specified object. Read/write WdLanguageID.
Bb257982.properties(en-us,office.12).gif ListTemplates Returns a ListTemplates collection that represents all the list formats for the specified document, template, or list gallery. Read-only.
Bb257982.properties(en-us,office.12).gif Name Returns the name of the specified object. Read-only String.
Bb257982.properties(en-us,office.12).gif NoLineBreakAfter Returns or sets the kinsoku characters after which Microsoft Word will not break a line. Read/write String.
Bb257982.properties(en-us,office.12).gif NoLineBreakBefore Returns or sets the kinsoku characters before which Microsoft Word will not break a line. Read/write String.
Bb257982.properties(en-us,office.12).gif NoProofing True if the spelling and grammar checker ignores documents based on this template. Read/write Long.
Bb257982.properties(en-us,office.12).gif Parent Returns an Object that represents the parent object of the specified Template object.
Bb257982.properties(en-us,office.12).gif Path Returns the path to the specified document template. Read-only String.
Bb257982.properties(en-us,office.12).gif Saved True if the specified template has not changed since it was last saved. False if Microsoft Office Word displays a prompt to save changes when the document is closed. Read/write Boolean.
Bb257982.properties(en-us,office.12).gif Type Returns the template type. Read-only WdTemplateType.
Bb257982.properties(en-us,office.12).gif VBProject Returns the VBProject object for the specified template.