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Variables.Add Method

Word Developer Reference

Returns a Variable object that represents a variable added to a document.


expression.Add(Name, Value)

expression   Required. A variable that represents a Variables collection.


Name Required/Optional Data Type Description
Name Required String The name of the document variable.
Value Optional Variant The value for the document variable.

Return Value


Document variables are invisible to the user unless a DOCVARIABLE field is inserted with the appropriate variable name. If you try to add a variable with a name that already exists in the Variables collection, an error occurs. To avoid this error, you can enumerate the collection before adding a new variable to it.


This example adds a variable named Temp to the active document and then inserts a DOCVARIABLE field to display the value in the Temp variable.

Visual Basic for Applications
  With ActiveDocument
    .Variables.Add Name:="Temp", Value:="12"
    .Fields.Add Range:=Selection.Range, _
        Type:=wdFieldDocVariable, Text:="Temp"
End With
ActiveDocument.ActiveWindow.View.ShowFieldCodes = False

This example sets the value of the Blue variable to six. If this variable doesn't already exist, the example adds it to the document and sets it to six.

Visual Basic for Applications
  For Each aVar In ActiveDocument.Variables
    If aVar.Name = "Blue" Then num = aVar.Index
Next aVar
If num = 0 Then
    ActiveDocument.Variables.Add Name:="Blue", Value:=6
    ActiveDocument.Variables(num).Value = 6
End If

This example stores the user name (from the Options dialog box) in the template attached to the active document.

Visual Basic for Applications
  ScreenUpdating = False
With ActiveDocument.AttachedTemplate.OpenAsDocument
    .Variables.Add Name:="UserName", Value:= Application.UserName
    .Close SaveChanges:=wdSaveChanges
End With

See Also