Application Object Events
Application events occur when a workbook is created or opened, when any sheet in any open workbook changes, or when any PivotTable is created or opened. To write event procedures for the Application object, you must create a new object using the WithEvents keyword in a class module. For more information, see Using Events with the Application Object.
SheetActivate SheetBeforeDoubleClick SheetBeforeRightClick SheetCalculate SheetChange SheetDeactivate SheetFollowHyperlink SheetSelectionChange SheetPivotTableUpdate WindowActivate WindowDeactivate |
WorkbookActivate WorkbookAddinInstall WorkbookAddinUninstall WorkbookBeforeClose WorkbookBeforePrint WorkbookBeforeSave WorkbookDeactivate WorkbookNewSheet WorkbookOpen WorkbookPivotTableCloseConnection WorkbookPivotTableOpenConnection |
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