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Find.ClearAllFuzzyOptions Method

Word Developer Reference

Clears all nonspecific search options associated with Japanese text.



expression   Required. A variable that represents a Find object.


This method sets the following properties to False:

MatchFuzzyAY MatchFuzzyKanji
MatchFuzzyBV MatchFuzzyKiKu
MatchFuzzyByte MatchFuzzyOldKana
MatchFuzzyCase MatchFuzzyProlongedSoundMark
MatchFuzzyDash MatchFuzzyPunctuation
MatchFuzzyDZ MatchFuzzySmallKana
MatchFuzzyHF MatchFuzzySpace
MatchFuzzyHiragana MatchFuzzyTC
MatchFuzzyIterationMark MatchFuzzyZJ


This example clears all nonspecific search options before executing a search in the selected range. If the word "" is formatted as bold, the entire paragraph will be selected and copied to the Clipboard.

Visual Basic for Applications
  With Selection.Find
    .Font.Bold = True
    .Execute FindText:="baiorinbaiorinbaiorinbaiorinbaiorin", Format:=True, Forward:=True
    If .Found = True Then
        .Parent.Expand Unit:=wdParagraph
    End If
End With

See Also