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MsoPatternType Enumeration

Office Developer Reference

Specifies the fill pattern used in a shape.

Name Value Description
msoPattern10Percent 2 10% of the foreground color.
msoPattern20Percent 3 20% of the foreground color.
msoPattern25Percent 4 25% of the foreground color.
msoPattern30Percent 5 30% of the foreground color.
msoPattern40Percent 6 40% of the foreground color.
msoPattern50Percent 7 50% of the foreground color.
msoPattern5Percent 1 5% of the foreground color.
msoPattern60Percent 8 60% of the foreground color.
msoPattern70Percent 9 70% of the foreground color.
msoPattern75Percent 10 75% of the foreground color.
msoPattern80Percent 11 80% of the foreground color.
msoPattern90Percent 12 90% of the foreground color.
msoPatternCross 51 Cross
msoPatternDarkDownwardDiagonal 15 Dark Downward Diagonal
msoPatternDarkHorizontal 13 Dark Horizontal
msoPatternDarkUpwardDiagonal 16 Dark Upward Diagonal
msoPatternDarkVertical 14 Dark Vertical
msoPatternDashedDownwardDiagonal 28 Dashed Downward Diagonal
msoPatternDashedHorizontal 32 Dashed Horizontal
msoPatternDashedUpwardDiagonal 27 Dashed Upward Diagonal
msoPatternDashedVertical 31 Dashed Vertical
msoPatternDiagonalBrick 40 Diagonal Brick
msoPatternDiagonalCross 54 Diagonal Cross
msoPatternDivot 46 Pattern Divot
msoPatternDottedDiamond 24 Dotted Diamond
msoPatternDottedGrid 45 Dotted Grid
msoPatternDownwardDiagonal 52 Downward Diagonal
msoPatternHorizontal 49 Horizontal
msoPatternHorizontalBrick 35 Horizontal Brick
msoPatternLargeCheckerBoard 36 Large Checker Board
msoPatternLargeConfetti 33 Large Confetti
msoPatternLargeGrid 34 Large Grid
msoPatternLightDownwardDiagonal 21 Light Downward Diagonal
msoPatternLightHorizontal 19 Light Horizontal
msoPatternLightUpwardDiagonal 22 Light Upward Diagonal
msoPatternLightVertical 20 Light Vertical
msoPatternMixed -2 Mixed pattern
msoPatternNarrowHorizontal 30 Narrow Horizontal
msoPatternNarrowVertical 29 Narrow Vertical
msoPatternOutlinedDiamond 41 Outlined Diamond
msoPatternPlaid 42 Plaid
msoPatternShingle 47 Shingle
msoPatternSmallCheckerBoard 17 Small Checker Board
msoPatternSmallConfetti 37 Small Confetti
msoPatternSmallGrid 23 Small Grid
msoPatternSolidDiamond 39 Solid Diamond
msoPatternSphere 43 Sphere
msoPatternTrellis 18 Trellis
msoPatternUpwardDiagonal 53 Upward Diagonal
msoPatternVertical 50 Vertical
msoPatternWave 48 Wave
msoPatternWeave 44 Weave
msoPatternWideDownwardDiagonal 25 Wide Downward Diagonal
msoPatternWideUpwardDiagonal 26 Wide Upward Diagonal
msoPatternZigZag 38 Zig Zag