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SipPeerToPeerEndpoint Members

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Include Inherited Members

Represents an endpoint with no registration server.

The SipPeerToPeerEndpoint type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method SipPeerToPeerEndpoint() Initializes a new instance of the SipPeerToPeerEndpoint class.
Public method SipPeerToPeerEndpoint(String) Initializes a new instance of the SipPeerToPeerEndpoint class with the given URI. To enable listening, use StartListening(ipEndpoint) in the ConnectionManager property.
Public method SipPeerToPeerEndpoint(String, RealTimeServerConnectionManager) Initializes a new instance of the SipPeerToPeerEndpoint class.
Public method SipPeerToPeerEndpoint(String, RealTimeServerConnectionManager, SipTransportType) Initializes a new instance of the SipPeerToPeerEndpoint class.
Public method SipPeerToPeerEndpoint(String, RealTimeServerConnectionManager, SipTransportType, String) Initializes a new instance of SipPeerToPeerEndpoint.
Public method SipPeerToPeerEndpoint(String, RealTimeServerConnectionManager, SipTransportType, String, Int32) Initializes a new instance of the SipPeerToPeerEndpoint class.
Public method SipPeerToPeerEndpoint(String, RealTimeServerConnectionManager, SipTransportType, String, Int32, String) Initializes a new instance of SipPeerToPeerEndpoint.



  Name Description
Public property ApplicationContext Gets or sets the application context. (inherited from RealTimeEndpoint)
Public property ApplicationUserAgent Gets or sets the application user agent string. This is appended to the user agent header. (inherited from RealTimeEndpoint)
Public property ConnectionManager Gets the connection manager used by this endpoint.
Public property DefaultDomain Gets the default domain of the endpoint URI. (inherited from RealTimeEndpoint)
Public property DefaultTransport Gets the default transport.
Public property DesiredSessionTimerInterval Gets or sets the desired session timer interval of the application. This is used only for the initial Invite or Response. (inherited from RealTimeEndpoint)
Public property DisableAutomaticRetryForRetryAfter Gets or sets whether the endpoint should retry requests for failed responses that contain retry-after header. By default, this is false and hence the platform will retry once more for such requests. If the applications wants to disable this automatic retry behavior, this property can be set to true. Typically, this might be needed for an application whose primary task is to perform back to back operation for two sessions where automatic retry might interfere with the ability to offer quick feedback via the back to back session so that the remote can take corrective measures. (inherited from RealTimeEndpoint)
Public property DisableReferredBySigning Obsolete. Gets or sets whether the Referred-By headers for the endpoint should be signed when configured to use MTLS. (inherited from RealTimeEndpoint)
Public property DisplayName Gets or sets the user name preferred by the application for the local user. This name will be used as the display name of the user in outgoing messages. This property indicates the display name to use in outgoing messages. (inherited from RealTimeEndpoint)
Public property EndpointUri Gets the URI of the endpoint. (Overrides RealTimeEndpoint.EndpointUri.)
Public property Gruu Gets the GRUU of the endpoint, if any. Can be null. (inherited from RealTimeEndpoint)
Public property Id Gets the ID for this endpoint. The same URI may be used on different endpoints. The ID is unique across all endpoints having the same URI. (inherited from RealTimeEndpoint)
Public property IsDialogResiliencySupported Obsolete. [Obsolete]Use ApplyRouteSetRecoverySettings method and RouteSetRecoveryMode property instead. Gets or sets value indicating if recovery attempt from failure in a dialog's signaling path is supported (inherited from RealTimeEndpoint)
Public property IsSessionTimerSupported Gets or sets the default policy used for the session timer. This value is inherited by incoming/outgoing sessions unless an incoming session requires it. The application can override the policy per session. (inherited from RealTimeEndpoint)
Public property MaximumSessionConnectDuration Gets or sets the maximum duration in minutes to wait for final response. (inherited from RealTimeEndpoint)
Public property MinimumSessionTimerInterval Gets or sets the minimum session interval. Any session-expires interval less than this value in messages will not be accepted. (inherited from RealTimeEndpoint)
Public property OwnerUri Gets the URI of the owner of the endpoint. (inherited from RealTimeEndpoint)
Public property ProxyCertificateSubject Gets or sets the subject of the certificate to expect from the proxy.
Public property ReliableProvisionalResponsePolicy Gets or sets the default policy for supporting 100rel extension feature. If an application supports this then the remote can ask for this when sending provisional responses which will result in PRACK message geting sent to acknowledge the response. An application should set this to set the policy globally for all sessions created. For outgoing session, ExtensionFeatureSupport.Required is not recommended since it is not meaningful and it likely to be rejected by the remote side with 420 (BadExtension) response. (inherited from RealTimeEndpoint)
Public property RouteSetRecoveryMode Gets the mode used for recovery of the session's route set. (inherited from RealTimeEndpoint)
Public property State Gets the current state of the endpoint.
Protected property SyncRoot Obsolete. Get the syncroot of this endpoint. (inherited from RealTimeEndpoint)
Public property Uri Gets the URI of the endpoint. This URI is meant to be routable if presented to another peer. Hence this might include port (if listening) and a URI parameter called ms-opaque that is used for uniquely routing incoming messages to the right p2p endpoint by the connection manager. (Overrides RealTimeEndpoint.Uri.)
Public property UserAgent Gets the user agent string used for messages. This includes the platform's header followed by the header supplied by the application, if any. (inherited from RealTimeEndpoint)



  Name Description
Public method AddFeatureParameter(String) Adds a feature parameter. See rfc 3840. (inherited from RealTimeEndpoint)
Public method AddFeatureParameter(String, String) Adds a feature parameter. See rfc 3840. (inherited from RealTimeEndpoint)
Public method AddSipExtension Adds an extension to the list of supported extensions for Invite. If an incoming Invite message has a required header that does not exist in this list, it will be automatically rejected with 420. Once an item is added to this list, it cannot be removed. This list does not affect outgoing Invites for which the application is responsible for adding any necessary headers such as "Supported" or "Require" headers for specific SIP extensions. (inherited from RealTimeEndpoint)
Public method ApplyRouteSetRecoverySettings Applies the specified route set recovery settings to the endpoint. (inherited from RealTimeEndpoint)
Public method BeginSendMessage(MessageType, RealTimeAddress, SendMessageOptions, AsyncCallback, Object) Sends a message. (inherited from RealTimeEndpoint)
Public method BeginSendMessage(MessageType, RealTimeAddress, ContentType, [], AsyncCallback, Object) Sends a message to another endpoint. (inherited from RealTimeEndpoint)
Public method BeginSendMessage(MessageType, RealTimeAddress, ContentType, [], IEnumerable<SignalingHeader>, AsyncCallback, Object) Sends a message. (inherited from RealTimeEndpoint)
Public method BeginSendMessage(String, MessageType, RealTimeAddress, ContentType, [], IEnumerable<SignalingHeader>, AsyncCallback, Object) Sends a message.
Public method BeginTerminate Terminates the endpoint and cleans up active sessions and resources. The endpoint is no longer usable. (inherited from RealTimeEndpoint)
Public method EndSendMessage Waits for the pending SendMessage operation to complete. (inherited from RealTimeEndpoint)
Public method EndTerminate Completes the asynchronous Terminate operation. (inherited from RealTimeEndpoint)
Public method Equals (inherited from Object)
Protected method Finalize (inherited from Object)
Public method GetFeatureParameterValue Gets the value of the given parameter. (inherited from RealTimeEndpoint)
Public method GetHashCode (inherited from Object)
Public method GetSupportedSipExtensions Gets the list of extensions supported by this endpoint. By default, this list is populated with extensions understood by the platform. The application can add other extensions it can support. Incoming Invite messages will be automatically rejected with 420 response if it contains a Requires header with option-tag that is not present in this list. (inherited from RealTimeEndpoint)
Public method GetTraceCorrelationID Gets the trace correlation id for this instance. (inherited from RealTimeEndpoint)
Public method GetType (inherited from Object)
Protected method MemberwiseClone (inherited from Object)
Protected method ProcessNotifyReceived Obsolete. Event handler for incoming notify request. (inherited from RealTimeEndpoint)
Protected method RegisterForPageModeMessages Register for page mode messages. (inherited from RealTimeEndpoint)
Public method RemoveFeatureParameter Removes a feature parameter matching the name if it exists. (inherited from RealTimeEndpoint)
Public method SendMessage(MessageType, RealTimeAddress, ContentType, []) Synchronously sends a message. The endpoint should be in the Connected state. This method is not recommended for a UI thread. (inherited from RealTimeEndpoint)
Public method SendMessage(MessageType, RealTimeAddress, ContentType, [], IEnumerable<SignalingHeader>) Synchronously sends a message. The session should be in connected state. This method is not recommended for a UI thread. (inherited from RealTimeEndpoint)
Public method Terminate Terminates the endpoint and cleans up active sessions and resources. The endpoint is no longer usable. (inherited from RealTimeEndpoint)
Public method ToString Returns the string representation of the object. (inherited from RealTimeEndpoint)
Protected method UnregisterForPageModeMessages Unregister for pagemode messages (inherited from RealTimeEndpoint)



  Name Description
Public event MessageReceived Raised when a message is received. (inherited from RealTimeEndpoint)
Public event SessionReceived Raised when a new invitation is received. (inherited from RealTimeEndpoint)
Public event StateChanged Raised when the state of the endpoint changes.


See Also


SipPeerToPeerEndpoint Class

Microsoft.Rtc.Signaling Namespace