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Listing Meetings

This content is no longer actively maintained. It is provided as is, for anyone who may still be using these technologies, with no warranties or claims of accuracy with regard to the most recent product version or service release.

Often, users might want to know what meetings they have missed or what meetings are available. To do this, your client application needs to send a ListMeetings message to the conference center and then parse the response.

For example, the following request message requests the meetings started between 00:00:00 and 22:00:00 (UTC) on October 27, 2007.

<PlaceWareConfCenter authUser="apiuser" authPassword="Pa$$wOrd">
  <ListMeetingsRequest listDeleted="True">
    <TimeIntervalQuery fieldName="startTime">
      <TimeInterval startTime="2007-10-27T00:00:00Z"

You can query meetings that ended during a given period of time by setting the fieldname attribute value of the ListMeetingsRequest element to endTime, instead of startTime.

In ListMeetingsRequest, the FieldList element is used to specify the return values that the caller is expecting. For a list of possible options, see the CreateMeetingRequest element. In the previous example, the caller wants to find out the name and mid of a meeting, its organizer (owner) and presenters, the time when a meeting starts and ends, and the meeting location. Furthermore, the caller is also interested in knowing when a deleted meeting is removed.

After the query is executed successfully, the conference center returns appropriate information in a reply message. The following is a sample reply returned from a conference center.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
             <StringOption value="Team Meeting" name="name" />
             <StringOption value="wf6t1nt5cw255614" name="mid" />
             <StringOption value="Terry Adams" name="owner" />
             <StringOption value="Recurring team meeting" name="title"/>
             <TimeOption value="2007-10-27T20:25:01Z" name="startTime"/>
             <TimeOption value="2007-10-28T00:25:01Z" name="endTime"/>
             <StringOption value="Project Meeting" name="name"/>
             <StringOption value="gd3xqn7stdm3j5z6" name="mid"/>
             <StringOption value="John Peoples" name="owner" />
             <StringOption value="J.P. Project" name="title"/>
             <TimeOption value="2007-10-27T21:56:26Z" name="startTime"/>
             <TimeOption value="2007-10-27T22:56:26Z" name="endTime" />

The conference center returned less information about a meeting than the caller requested. For example, presenter lists and meeting locations are not returned because these two options were not set when the meetings were created.


The returned value of the name entry in the FieldList element is the value displayed as Meeting ID in the Web interface. The title entry in FieldList is shown as Subject in the Web interface.

If no meetings are scheduled for the specified time period, an empty ListMeetingsReply element is returned.

See Also


Using the Live Meeting service API