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DeleteUserRequest Element

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Deletes a user by sending a request to conference center.


    userID = "string">

The following sections describe attributes, parent elements, and child elements.





string type. Length range 1-64 characters.

Specifies the user ID. Use ASCII characters to specify.


Boolean type. Value range [True | False]. Optional.

Indicates whether all the recordings owned by the member to be deleted should be transferred to the Administrator who is deleting the member or not be transferred. The absence of this attribute is treated as a False value, and the member is deleted without the recordings being transferred. This also retains the backward compatibility.

Caution noteCaution
If an Administrator tries to delete himself with the value of transferRecordingOwnership="true", he is simply deleted without transfer of any associated recordings.

Added in Live Meeting service API Update for Live Meeting 2007.

Element Information

Parent Element





Child Element




Not applicable


You must be an Administrator to delete a user.

Deleting a user also erases all the meetings and recordings owned by the user. These meetings and recordings are permanently deleted and cannot be recovered.

If you want to preserve a meeting before deleting a user, use the ModifyMeetingRequest element to reassign the item to a different user. After this is done, you can delete the original user. To preserve a recording, set the transferRecordingOwnership attribute to True in the deleteUser message.When the user is deleted, a DeleteUserReply element is returned; if it is not deleted, a Fault element is returned.


DeleteUserRequest must not be called on a conference center hosted by Microsoft Online. For more information, see Using the Live Meeting API with Microsoft Online-Hosted Live Meeting Service.

See Also


DeleteUserReply Element

DeleteUser Message