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BaseFolderType Members

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Include Inherited Members

The BaseFolderType class is the base class for derived classes that represent a folder.

The BaseFolderType type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Protected method BaseFolderType The BaseFolderType class is abstract and cannot be instantiated.



  Name Description
Public property ChildFolderCount The ChildFolderCount property gets the number of immediate child folders that are contained within a folder. This property is read-only.
Public property ChildFolderCountSpecified The ChildFolderCountSpecified property gets a Boolean value that specifies whether the ChildFolderCount property is serialized into the SOAP request.
Public property DisplayName The DisplayName property gets or sets the display name of a folder.
Public property EffectiveRights The EffectiveRights property gets an EffectiveRightsType object that represents the operations that the current logon user can perform on the folder. This property is read-only.
Public property ExtendedProperty The ExtendedProperty property gets or sets an ExtendedPropertyType array that contains the extended MAPI properties on a folder.
Public property FolderClass The FolderClass property gets or sets the folder class for a given folder.
Public property FolderId The FolderId property gets or sets a FolderIdType object that contains the identifier and change key of a folder.
Public property ManagedFolderInformation The ManagedFolderInformation property gets or sets a ManagedFolderInformationType object that contains information about a managed custom folder.
Public property ParentFolderId The ParentFolderId property gets or sets a FolderIdType object that represents the identifier of the parent folder that contains the folder.
Public property TotalCount The TotalCount property gets the total count of items within a given folder. This property is read-only.
Public property TotalCountSpecified The TotalCountSpecified property gets a Boolean value that specifies whether the TotalCount property is serialized into the SOAP request.



  Name Description
Public method Equals (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Public method ToString (Inherited from Object.)
