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ServerAgent.ServerAgent(ApplicationManifest) constructor

Microsoft Office Live Communications Server 2005 with SP1

ServerAgent.ServerAgent (ApplicationManifest)

The ServerAgent constructor creates an instance of a ServerAgent object with the specified application manifest.

public ServerAgent(
ApplicationManifest manifest

  [Visual Basic .NET]
Public Sub New( _
  ByVal manifest As ApplicationManifest _



Note  This constructor should be used by applications that are only using a SIP Processing Language (MSPL) script in the application manifest for message processing. No calls to Dispatch should be present in the message filter script.

In this case, the application serves solely to register the script with the Live Communications Server. No message processing is performed within the managed code application.

Two common exceptions that should be caught when calling this constructor are:

  • ServerNotFoundException: The Live Communications Server is not running.
  • UnauthorizedException: A connection to the Live Communications Server could not be initialized. This is because of the current security context (user must be a member of the "Live Communications Server Users" local group), because the application has not been configured to run on this server (through WMI), or because an application with the same URI (as specified in the application manifest) is already running.


Redistributable: Requires Microsoft Office Live Communications Server 2005 with SP1.
Namespace: Microsoft.Rtc.Sip
Assembly: ServerAgent (in ServerAgent.dll)

See Also

Application Manifests, Creating a SIP Application for Live Communications Server, ServerAgent

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