Sample Database Queries
Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 and Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2 will reach end of support on January 9, 2018. To stay supported, you will need to upgrade. For more information, see Resources to help you upgrade your Office 2007 servers and clients.
This section contains sample queries for the QoE database.
To get jitter and packet loss average for all audio stream
select avg(cast(JitterInterArrival as bigint)) as JitterAvg, avg(PacketLossRate) as PacketLossRateAvg from AudioStream
To find the total numbers of conferences that used Meeting Console
select avg(ConversationalMOS)
from Session s
inner join MediaLine m
on s.ConferenceDateTime = m.ConferenceDateTime
and s.SessionSeq = m.SessionSeq
and m.MediaLineLabel = 0 -- audio media line
inner join UserAgent uaCaller
on s.CallerUserAgent = uaCaller.UserAgentKey
and uaCaller.UAType = 4 - communicator
inner join UserAgent uaCallee
on s.CalleeUserAgent = uaCallee.UserAgentKey
and uaCallee.UAType = 4 -- communicator
To get ConversstionalMOS, SendingMOS and ListendingMOS per capture device
select t.DeviceName as Device, count(*) as SampleNum, avg(ConversationalMOS) as ConversationalMOS, avg(SendListenMOS) SendingMOS, avg(RecvListenMOS) as ListendingMOS
select d.DeviceName, m.ConferenceDateTime, m.SessionSeq, a.StreamID, m.ConversationalMOS,a.SendListenMOS, a.RecvListenMOS
from MediaLine m
inner join AudioStream a
on m.ConferenceDateTime = a.ConferenceDateTime
and m.SessionSeq = a.SessionSeq
and m.MediaLineLabel = 0
inner join Device d
on m.CallerCaptureDev = d.DeviceKey
and d.DeviceType = 1
select d.DeviceName, m.ConferenceDateTime, m.SessionSeq, a.StreamID, m.ConversationalMOS,a.SendListenMOS, a.RecvListenMOS
from MediaLine m
inner join AudioStream a
on m.ConferenceDateTime = a.ConferenceDateTime
and m.SessionSeq = a.SessionSeq
and m.MediaLineLabel = 0
inner join Device d
on m.CalleeCaptureDev = d.DeviceKey
and d.DeviceType = 1
)as t
group by t.DeviceName
order by SampleNum desc