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Configuring the RoundTable Device

Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 and Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2 will reach end of support on January 9, 2018. To stay supported, you will need to upgrade. For more information, see Resources to help you upgrade your Office 2007 servers and clients.

This topic describes how to apply new settings to a RoundTable device.

Before you start, make sure that you have a supported version of Office InfoPath installed, either Office InfoPath 2003 or Office InfoPath 2007.

  1. In the %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft RoundTable\DeviceManagement\ directory, double-click DeviceConfig.xsn to open the InfoPath form. The following figure shows a section of this form.


  2. After you change the settings to suit your particular installation, save the configuration (as RTConfig.xml, for example) to the same directory as RTManage.exe. The section following this procedure provides details of the InfoPath configuration form.

  3. Open a command prompt, change the directory to the %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft RoundTable\DeviceManagement\ directory, and type the following command line.

    Rtmanage.exe -m:img -i:config -f:RTConfig.xml
  4. Check for any XML parsing errors by running this command.

    Rtmanage.exe -m:cfg -q:cfgparseresult
  5. If there are no errors, go to the next step. Otherwise fix the errors and repeat from step 3.

  6. Restart the device by running this command line.

    Rtmanage.exe -m:cfg -r

The following tables provide details about the configuration changes that you can make in the InfoPath configuration user interface.

Room settings

Field Description Factory default

Room name

A text description (maximum 63 characters) for the conference room.

(empty string)

Room size

The approximate comfortable seating capacity of the conference room. There are three options:

1 – 6 people (Small)

7 – 11 people (Medium)

12 or more people (Large)

7 – 11 people (Medium)

Table size

The approximate size of the table in the conference room. There are three options:

5 ft. (1.52 m) Round

10 ft. x 5 ft. (3.05 m x 1.52 m)

20 ft. x 5 ft. (6.10 m x 1.52 m)

10 ft. x 5 ft. (3.05 m x 1.52 m)


A description of the lighting brightness in the conference room. There are three options:





Notes 1:, Notes 2:, Notes 3:

Custom fields (maximum 63 characters for each field) that the administrator can use to tag the devices.

(empty string)

The values of Room size and Lighting are currently not used by the firmware.

Network settings

Field Description Factory default

Device name

A friendly name (maximum 63 characters) for the device. Used in the diagnostics log for tagging the device. This is not the host name for the device.

(empty string)

DHCP enabled

Determines whether Dynamic Host Control Protocol (DHCP) is enabled. The options are checked (DHCP is enabled) and unchecked (DHCP is disabled).

A check in this field corresponds to a value of "true for the DHCPEnabled attribute in DefaultConfig.xml. If unchecked, the DHCPEnabled attribute has a value of "false."


IP Address

When DHCP is disabled, enter the IP address in xxx.xxx.xxx format.

(empty string)

Subnet mask

When DHCP is disabled, enter the subnet mask in xxx.xxx.xxx format.

(empty string)

Default gateway

When DHCP is disabled, enter the IP address of the default gateway in xxx.xxx.xxx format.

(empty string)

Preferred DNS server

When DHCP is disabled, enter the IP address of the preferred DNS server in xxx.xxx.xxx format.

(empty string)

Alternate DNS server

When DHCP is disabled, enter the IP address of the alternate DNS server in xxx.xxx.xxx format.

(empty string)

Time settings

Field Description Factory default

Time zone

Time zone for the device

Set to time zone of the country in which the device is sold. For devices sold in the United States and Canada, the default time zone is Eastern standard time.

Automatically adjust clock for daylight saving

Checked or unchecked



LCD display settings

Field Description Factory default

Display language

Brazilian Portuguese








Simplified Chinese


Traditional Chinese

U.S. and Canada – English

U.K. – English

Australia – English

Germany – German

Netherlands – Dutch

India – English

France – French

Italy – Italian

Spain – Spanish

Japan – Japanese

Screen saver text


(empty string)

Telephony settings

Field Description Factory default

Phone number

Phone number for the RoundTable device

(empty string)

Flash timing

10 ms through 990 ms, in 10-ms increments

Default settings for the target country's recommended regulatory compliance agency

Australia - 100 ms

Canada - 700 ms

France - 100 ms

Germany - 100 ms

India - 300 ms

Italy - 100 ms

Japan - 700 ms

Netherlands - 100 ms

Spain - 100 ms

U.K. - 100 ms

U.S. - 700 ms

Ignore dial tone when dialing

On or Off



Preprogrammed speed dials

Field Description Factory default


Short name (maximum 63 characters) of the number in the speed dial

(empty string)


Telephone number (maximum 63 characters)

(empty string)

By default, the form shows one speed dial entry. You can use the form to add and program four additional speed dials.

Software updates settings

Field Description Factory default

Automatically update by using the image update server

Checked or unchecked. If checked, automatic image updates are enabled.


Exclude configuration file from automatic update

Checked or unchecked. If checked, the configuration file is excluded from automatic update.


Update time

Time of day at half hour intervals

3:30 A.M. local time

Update interval

Every day

Every Sunday

Every Monday

Every Tuesday

Every Wednesday

Every Thursday

Every Friday

Every Saturday

Every day


Name of the update server



Port for device-server communication


Uniform resource identifier path

URI path on the server with which to communicate.

(empty string)

Logging settings

Field Description Factory default

Log to server

Checked or unchecked. If checked, diagnostic log data is sent to the server.


Upload time

Time of day at half hour intervals

3:00 A.M. local time

Update interval

Every hour

Every day

Every Sunday

Every Monday

Every Tuesday

Every Wednesday

Every Thursday

Every Friday

Every Saturday

Every hour

Maximum log size in memory

Configurable size of memory reserved for the log. We recommend that you leave this set to 1024 KB.

1024 KB


Name of the update server



Port for device-server communication


Uniform resource identifier path

URI path on the server to communicate with

(empty string)

Power management settings

Field Description Factory default

Turn off LCD backlight

Amount of time (in minutes) after which the device's LCD backlighting is turned off, when there is no activity.

After one minute

After five minutes

After 10 minutes

After 20 minutes

After 30 minutes

After 45 minutes

After 60 minutes

After 120 minutes

After 180 minutes

After 240 minutes

After 300 minutes

After five minutes

Advanced settings

Field Description Factory default

Active speaker detection algorithm

The device uses either audio only or both audio and video to detect the current speaker. The options are as follows:

Use audio only

Use audio and video

Use audio and video

Active speaker switching frequency



White balance setting

Auto or Manual


Light temperature

If the white balance setting is Manual, the light temperature will be used.

Incandescent – 2800 K

Cool white fluorescent – 4100 K

Daylight/sunlight – 6500 K

Not applicable

Lighting frequency

The lighting frequency can be set to the following values:


50 Hz

60 Hz

The lighting frequency setting should match the AC power frequency of the deployment location to ensure good video quality. If it is set to Auto, the device attempts to detect the frequency from the power source. Automatic detection results can vary because of variance in the circuit at the time of detection.

Australia – 50 Hz

Canada – 60 Hz

France – 50 Hz

Germany – 50 Hz

India – 50 Hz

Italy – 50 Hz

Japan* – Auto

Netherlands – 50 Hz

Spain – 50 Hz

U.K. – 50 Hz

U.S. – 60 Hz

* For deployment in Japan, check the AC power frequency at the location, and ensure that Lighting frequency is set accordingly.

Debugging settings

Field Description Factory default

Audio debug logging

Enable verbose audio debug logging. On or Off.


Video debug logging

Toggle verbose video debug logging.

On or Off.


System debug logging

Toggle verbose system debug logging. On or Off.
