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Command-Line Installation

Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 and Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2 will reach end of support on January 9, 2018. To stay supported, you will need to upgrade. For more information, see Resources to help you upgrade your Office 2007 servers and clients.

LCSCmd is a very powerful tool that makes it possible to do things such as activate servers, check server configurations, manage certificates, and prepare AD DS for Office Communications Server installation. What it doesn't do is the actual installation of the servers. For that you need to run the .msi files.

You've most likely run .msi files simply by double-clicking them from Windows Explorer. You can also run an .msi file by typing the file name at the command line. The advantage of running from the command line is that you can supply parameters to the command.

.msi files are run by the MSIExec.exe utility. This utility is built into Windows and is associated with .msi files, so its not necessary to explicitly call it before the .msi file. For example, the SetupEE.msi file can be run like this.

msiexec setupee.msi

However, simply typing setupee.msi at the command line will run the Setup installation. This is mentioned so you understand why you can pass parameters on the command line when you run an .msi file: you're not passing the parameters to the .msi file, you're passing them to MSIExec. The parameter options are the same no matter what .msi file you're running and what that .msi file installs. Heres the syntax for MSIExec.

Msiexec /Option <Product.msi> [optional Msiexec.exe parameters]

The following table contains a list of available parameters to MSIExec.

Option Switches Description

Installation options

/i <Product.msi>

(/i cannot be used with /a or /x)

Installs or configures a product

/a <Product.msi>

(/a cannot be used with /i or /x)

Administrative installation - Installs a product on the network

Display options


Quiet mode, no user interaction


Unattended mode, progress bar only

/q{n | b | r | f}/passive

Sets user interface (UI) level for installation

q, qn - No UI

qb - Basic UI

qr - Reduced UI

qf - Full UI (default)


Help information

Logging options

/l[I][w][e][a][r][u][c][m][o][p][v][x][+][!][*] <LogFile>

Sets the logging level

i - Status messages

w - Nonfatal warnings

e - All error messages

a - Startup of actions

r - Action-specific records

u - User requests

c - Initial UI parameters

m - Out-of-memory or fatal exit information

o - Out-of-disk-space messages

p - Terminal properties

v - Verbose output

x - Extra debugging information

+ - Append to existing log file

! - Flush each line to the log

* - Log all information, except for v and x options

Uninstall options

/x <Product.msi> | <ProductCode>

(/x cannot be used with /i or /a)

Uninstalls the product

Office Communications Server 2007 R2 ships with numerous .msi files for installing the various servers. The following table contains a list of files and what they install. (This list does not contain the installation files for prerequisite elements.)

File name Installed


Standard Edition, Enterprise Edition.

You must specify the /server parameter, passing the server version you're installing: SE, EE, AP, or PROXY. This parameter value is case-sensitive.


Administrative Tools


Web Components Server


Web Conferencing Server


A/V Conferencing Server


Application Host


Conferencing Attendant


Conference Announcement Service


Archiving Server


Monitoring Server


Outside Voice Control


Application Sharing Server


Mediation Server


Communicator Web Access Server


Core Components


Web Scheduler


Response Group Service


Group Chat

In This Section

This section includes the following topics: