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Creating an Enhanced Hunt Group Workflow

Topic Last Modified: 2009-05-22

An Enhanced Hunt Group workflow routes callers to the specified queue. You can also choose a welcome message for the workflow, the music to play when users are on hold, and the hours that the workflow is available. In addition, you can designate a manager for the workflow. A manager can modify settings such as the description, business hours, and holiday set selection.

You can use a .wav file for some settings, such as the welcome message or the music that is played when users are on hold. For details about supported .wav file formats, see WAV File Requirements.


Every workflow must be associated with a Contact object. Contact objects are Active Directory objects that have a Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) address associated with them and are created using the RGSCOT.exe command-line tool. Each Contact object can be associated with only one workflow. You must create the Contact object before you create the workflow. For details, see Creating a Contact Object.

To create an Enhanced Hunt Group workflow

  1. Log on as a member of the RTCUniversalServerAdmins.

  2. Open a Web browser, and then connect to https://server-FQDN/rgs/deploy/default.aspx, where server-FQDN is the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the server that is running the Response Group Service.

  3. Next to the Enhanced Hunt Group template description, click Create.

  4. If you are not ready for users to start calling the workflow, clear the Activate the workflow check box.

  5. In the Select the address of the group that will receive the calls box, click the address of the group that you want to answer calls to the workflow.


    Each address is associated with a Contact object. The list includes the addresses of all Contact objects that are not already in use.

  6. (Optional) In the Description box, type a description for the workflow as you want it to appear on the contact card in Office Communicator.

  7. Under Step 2 Select a Language, click the language that you want to use for text-to-speech.


    To select a language, the corresponding language pack must already be installed and registered on the server. For details about language packs, see Installing Language Packs in the Deploying the Response Group Service documentation.

  8. If you want to configure a welcome message, under Step 3 Configure a Welcome Message, click the Play a welcome message check box, and then do one of the following:

    • To enter the welcome message as text, click Use text-to-speech, and then type the welcome message in the text box.


      You cannot use HTML tags in your text input. If you do this, you will receive an error message.

    • To use a .wav file recording for the welcome message, click Select a recording. If you do not want to use the .wav file that is currently loaded, click the a recording link. In the new browser window, click Browse, select the.wav file that you want to use, and then click Open. Click Upload to load the .wav file, and then type the welcome message in the text box.


      All user-provided .wav files must meet certain requirements. For details about supported .wav file formats, see WAV File Requirements.

  9. Under Step 4 Specify Your Availability, in the Your time zone box, click the time zone for the workflow.


    The time zone is the time zone where the callers and agents of the workflow reside. It is used to calculate the open and close hours. For example, if the workflow is configured to use the Eastern Time zone and the workflow is scheduled to open at 7:00 and close at 11:00, the open and close times are assumed to be 7:00 Eastern Time and 11:00 Eastern Time respectively.

  10. To define when the workflow is available, in the Preset schedules box, click one of the preset schedules, and then modify the hours in the Open and Close boxes as needed.


    When you click a preset schedule, you fill in the Open and Close boxes with the preset schedule hours. You can then modify the schedule hours as needed. The hours of operation are in 24-hour format. For example, if your office works a 9-to-5 work day and closes at noon for lunch, this can be represented as Open 9:00, Close 12:00, Open 13:00, and Close 17:00.
    If you do not want to use one of the preset schedules, you can leave the Preset schedules box blank, and then set the Open and Close settings manually.

  11. In the Standard holiday lists section, click the check box next to the holiday set that you want to use for the workflow.


    Holiday sets are a list of holidays that an administrator can set up for the server pool. The holiday set contains the open and close times for each holiday in the holiday set. The holiday set hours override the workflow hours of operation. For details about holiday sets, see Creating a Holiday Set in the Deploying the Response Group Service documentation.

  12. If you want to play a message when the office is not open, click the Play a message when the workflow is not scheduled to be open check box, and then do the following:

    1. Specify the message to play when the office is closed as follows:
      • To enter the message as text, click Use text-to-speech, and then type the message in the text box.


        You cannot use HTML tags in your text input. If you do this, you will receive an error message.

      • To use a .wav file recording for the message, click Select a recording. If you do not want to use the .wav file that is currently loaded, click the a recording link. In the new browser window, click Browse, select the.wav file that you want to use, and then click Open. Click Upload to load the .wav file, and then type the message in the text box.


        All user-provided .wav files must meet certain requirements. For details about supported .wav file formats, see WAV File Requirements.

    2. Specify what to do after the message is played:
      • To disconnect the call, click Disconnect Call.
      • To forward the call to voice mail, click Forward to voice mail, and then type the voice mail address. The format for the voice mail address is username@domainname (for example, bob@contoso.com).
      • To forward the call to another user, click Forward to SIP URI, and then type a user address. The format for the user address is username@domainname.
      • To forward the call to another telephone number, click Forward to telephone number, and then enter the telephone number. The format for the telephone number is number@domainname (for example, +14255550121@contoso.com). The domain name is used to route the caller to the correct destination.
  13. Under Step 5 Configure a Queue or Time Out Actions, click the queue that you want to handle calls to the workflow.


    The time-out settings display the current time-out settings for the queue. You can change the time-out settings for the queue, but keep in mind that changing the time out settings affects all workflows that use this queue.

  14. To change the time-out settings, do the following:

    1. If you do not want to specify a time out period (that is, the caller continues to stay on hold until an agent accepts the call), select the Never time out the call check box.
    2. To change the time out period, in the Time out period (seconds) box, type the maximum period of time that a caller will wait to be connected to an available agent before action is taken.
    3. To change the action taken when a call times out, do one of the following:
      • To forward the caller to voice mail, click Voice mail, and then type the voice mail address. The format for the voice mail address is username@domainname (for example, bob@contoso.com).
      • To forward the call to another user or another telephone number, click SIP URI, and then type the user address or telephone number. The format for the user address is username@domainname. The format of the telephone number is number@domainname (for example, +14255550121@contoso.com).
      • To forward the caller to another queue, click Another queue, and then select the queue from the list.
  15. Under Step 6 Configure Music on Hold, choose what music you want callers to listen to while waiting for an agent by doing one of the following:

    • To use the default music-on-hold recording, click Use default.

    • To use a .wav file recording for the music on hold, click Select a music. If you do not want to use the .wav file that is currently loaded, click the a music link. In the new browser window, click Browse, select the.wav file that you want to use, and then click Open. Click Upload to load the .wav file.


      All user provided .wav files must meet certain requirements. For details about supported .wav file formats, see WAV File Requirements.

  16. Under Step 7 Add or Delete Managers, in the Enter the manager name(s) to add box, type the names of the users that can modify the settings for this workflow, and then click Add.


    You must use the domain\username format for the user names (for example, Contoso\Bob). Separate multiple names with a semi-colon.


    Managers can change settings such as the activation state, description, welcome message, music-on-hold, workflow open and close hours, and the queue time out actions.

  17. Click Deploy.