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Troubleshooting Playback

The following are common causes for sounds not playing correctly:

  • Instruments have not been downloaded. You must download all instruments and waveforms used by segments, even the default Gm.dls instrument collection. To ensure that all instruments and waveforms are downloaded, you can turn on automatic downloading; however, this is not recommended. A better way is to download each segment when it is loaded, by using IDirectMusicSegment8::Download. For more information, see Downloading and Unloading Bands.

    There is one case in which automatic downloading might be required: when a segment trigger track cues other segments that use different instruments or waveforms. Because your application doesn't obtain an interface to the triggered segments, it cannot download them manually.

  • The loader cannot find needed files. Make sure the loader is searching in the correct folder by calling IDirectMusicLoader8::SetSearchDirectory.

  • The loader cannot find objects that are used by other objects. Content authored in DirectMusic Producer can contain references to content in other files. For example, a script track in a segment might contain calls to play other segments. If the loader cannot find the referenced segments, it cannot play them. To ensure that the loader can identify and load all referenced objects, call IDirectMusicLoader8::ScanDirectory. For more information, see Scanning a Directory for Objects.

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