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Part Length

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You can set a length for a part that is greater or smaller than the length of the pattern containing it.

If a part is shorter than the pattern, the part repeats until the end of the pattern. For example, a one-measure part will repeat four times in a pattern that is four measures long.

If a part is longer than the pattern, only the portion of the part that fits in the pattern is displayed. Other notes remain, but will never play. For example, in a four-measure pattern, notes in the fifth and sixth measures of a six-measure part will not be heard.

When a part is linked to another part in a different pattern, the length of the part can be used differently in the other pattern. For example, if a part in a four-measure pattern is four measures long, and is linked to another part in a two-measure pattern, then the part is shortened to two measures in that pattern only. No notes or data are deleted from the part, but the extra two measures are not used. If the part is linked to a part in an eight-measure pattern, then the part plays twice in the longer pattern.

Mixing time signatures in parts and styles or segments can affect the number of measures in a part. If the part is in a style or segment that has a different time signature, the part can be cut off before its final measure is completed. For example, a two-measure part in 3/4 time can play for four measures in a three-measure pattern that uses the style's 4/4 time signature.

See Also