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Instrument Graphical Interface

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The instrument graphical interface, shown in the following figure, is used for managing regions and layers, and for auditioning sounds.

Instrument graphical interface

Layers are shown as horizontal strips above the keyboard. Use the scrollbar to view more layers. The lowest layer, labeled DLS1, is the only layer used by synthesizers that support only DLS Level 1; however, DLS Level 2 synthesizers use this level as well.

Regions are rectangles labeled with the name of the wave assigned to them. You can move and resize regions by using the mouse. Regions can be dragged from one layer to another. Press CTRL to copy a region while dragging it. The root note of the wave is marked by a dot on the keyboard; in the illustration, A#1 is so marked.

The keyboard contains all the notes from C0 to G10. You can an audition a region by selecting it and clicking a piano key, or by clicking the region. The note that is sounding is marked by a red dot on the keyboard. You can also audition the instrument at the root note of the wave, by using the Play or Play from Start button. If the root note is outside the region, the closest note to the root note plays. See also Audition Options.