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Chord Path Window

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The Chord Path window, shown in the following figure, contains the main body of the chordmap. It is a graphic editing region in which you place chords and draw connections between them. You can edit the properties of a chord and drag chords to any position.

Chord Path window

The Chord Path window is divided into two parts:

  • A timeline showing the measures and beats of music in the chordmap. You can change the time signature in the Chordmap Properties window.

Note This timeline enables you to specify the number of beats between chord changes, but is not otherwise related to the timeline in any segment. For example, a chord placed in measure 2 of the chordmap timeline could be placed in any measure of a segment.

  • The editing window, where you place chords and connections.

Selected chords are highlighted in red and can be edited by using the Chord Properties window. You can select multiple chords by clicking on them while pressing CTRL, or by dragging the mouse around them.

After chords are selected, you can drag any chord in the selection to drag the whole selection to a different position in the window. You can also press the DELETE key to delete the group all at one time.

Press the CTRL key and drag a group of chords to copy and paste them all at one time.

The text style of a chord in the Chord Path window gives information about its status, as shown in the following table.

Text style Status
Bold Signpost chord; chord structure matches that of a chord in the Signpost List.
Italic Designated as a signpost chord, but does not match any chords in the Signpost list. The signpost will not be used.
Normal Chord is not a signpost; it is a connection chord.