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MSDVDAdm Object

Microsoft DirectShow 9.0

MSDVDAdm Object

This component is available for use in the Microsoft Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003 operating systems. It may be altered or unavailable in subsequent versions.

The methods and properties of the MSDVDAdm "administration" object enable a scripting application to modify its default settings in the Microsoft® Windows® registry. The registry is a database on all Windows systems where applications can store information about themselves to be used on initialization or during run time.

Most of these methods and properties do not set or retrieve the current values in the MSWebDVD object itself. This means, for example, that when you call GetParentalLevel the returned value is not the current parental level stored in the object. Rather, it is the default parental level stored in the registry. To get the current parental level, call the MSWebDVD method GetPlayerParentalLevel. Calling SaveParentalLevel simply writes a new default parental access level to the registry; you still need to call the MSWebDVD method SelectParentalLevel to make the change take effect immediately in the MSWebDVD object. The default locale identifier (LCID) methods work in a similar way.

On the other hand, the BookmarkOnStop and BookmarkOnClose methods take effect immediately because the MSWebDVD object checks these settings just before the user stops playback or closes the application, rather than during initialization.

You access the MSDVDAdm object through the DVDAdm property of MSWebDVD. So, for example, if the MSWebDVD object is named "DVD," call ChangePassword as shown in the following code example.

DVD.DVDAdm.ChangePassword(sUserName, sOld, sNew);

Methods and Properties

The following table lists the methods and properties exposed by the MSDVDAdm object methods and properties.

Method Description
ChangePassword Saves a new application password in the registry.
SaveParentalLevel Saves a new default parental level to the registry.
SaveParentalCountry Saves the application's new parental country/region to the registry.
ConfirmPassword Tests whether the specified password matches the previously saved password.
GetParentalLevel Retrieves the parental level that was last saved to the registry.
GetParentalCountry Retrieves the parental country/region that was last saved to the registry.
RestoreScreenSaver Restores the system screen saver settings.
Properties Description
DisableScreenSaver Turns the system screen saver on or off.
DefaultAudioLCID Sets or retrieves the registry setting for the user-specified default LCID for the audio stream.
DefaultSubpictureLCID Sets or retrieves the registry setting for the user-specified default LCID for the subpicture stream.
DefaultMenuLCID Sets or retrieves the registry setting for the user-specified default LCID for menus.
BookmarkOnStop Sets or retrieves a value that tells the MSDVDAdm object whether to automatically save a bookmark of the current location and settings when the user clicks the Stop button.
BookmarkOnClose Sets or retrieves a value that tells the MSDVDAdm object whether to automatically save a bookmark of the current location and settings when the user closes the application.