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IAMNetShowExProps Interface

Microsoft DirectShow 9.0

IAMNetShowExProps Interface

The IAMNetShowExProps interface configures the legacy Windows Media Player 6.4 source filter. The Windows Media Source filter implements this interface.

In addition to the methods inherited from IDispatch, the IAMNetShowExProps interface exposes the following methods.

Method Description
get_Bandwidth Retrieves the bandwidth.
get_CodecCount Retrieves the number codecs needed to play the file.
get_CreationDate Retrieves the creation date.
get_ErrorCorrection Retrieves the error correction method.
get_SourceLink Retrieves the source link.
get_SourceProtocol Retrieves the source protocol.
GetCodecDescription Retrieves the user-friendly description of a codec.
GetCodecInstalled Queries whether a specified codec is installed on the local system.
GetCodecURL Retrieves the URL from which the codec may be downloaded.


Header: Include Qnetwork.h.

Library: None.

To define the interface identifier, include the header file Initguid.h before Qnetwork.h, but after Dshow.h and other header files:

#include <dshow.h>
#include <initguid.h>
#include <qnetwork.h>
  • Note   Make sure that Initguid.h is included only once in your project. Otherwise, you will receive linker errors for duplicate GUID values.