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Microsoft DirectShow 9.0


The LogError method logs an error. Applications do not need to call this method. It is called internally in response to rendering errors.


  HRESULT LogError(
    LONG Severity,
    BSTR ErrorString,
    LONG ErrorCode,
    HRESULT hresult,
    VARIANT *pExtraInfo



Reserved. Do not use.


String value containing the text of the error.


Error code.


The HRESULT value that was returned by the method call that caused the error.


[in] Pointer to a VARIANT that contains any additional information about the error.

Return Value

Returns an HRESULT value. Return the value of the hresult parameter.


Within this method, do not free the VARIANT pointed to by pExtraInfo. Also, the VARIANT becomes invalid after the method returns, so do not try to reference it later.

Implement this method to return as quickly as possible. Do not make function calls from inside this method that might block program execution. For example, do not call Microsoft® Win32® functions that send window messages, block on events, or otherwise might block execution. Doing so could cause the computer to stop responding, or "hang."

For a list of errors defined by DES, along with the meaning and data type of the VARIANT pointed to by pExtraInfo, see Rendering Errors.


Header: Include Qedit.h. This header file is not compatible with Microsoft® Direct3D® headers later than version 7.

Library: Use strmiids.lib.

See Also