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DVDDirectory Property

Microsoft DirectShow 9.0

DVDDirectory Property

This component is available for use in the Microsoft Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003 operating systems. It may be altered or unavailable in subsequent versions.

The DVDDirectory property sets or retrieves the current directory of the current DVD volume.


[ sDirPath = ] MSWebDVD.DVDDirectory

Return Values

Returns a string value indicating the path to the DVD root directory.


This property is read/write with no default value. Use this method to set the root path when there is more than one DVD drive on a system. When there is only one drive on the system and its drive letter is higher than "C", the MSWebDVD object finds it automatically. For a standard DVD-Video disc, the root path should include the ts_video directory:

Example Code

MSWebDVD.DVDDirectory = "e:\\video_ts";

Some DVD volumes may have their video in a directory named something other than "video_ts." The general idea is that an additional "DVD volume" (the set of .IFO. VOB, and .BUP files that would normally be stored in the VIDEO_TS directory) can be placed in a subdirectory on the disc. By changing the root to point to this directory, MSWebDVD will operate on this separate DVD volume. A new set of menus, titles, and so on will be available, independent of the titles in the VIDEO_TS root, which will no longer be accessible. Such directories are called "hidden directories." The following example shows how to set a hidden directory as the root, where "hidden" is a placeholder for whatever name the disc authors have given to the directory.

Example Code

MSWebDVD.DVDDirectory = "d:\\webdvd\\hidden";