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AudioStreamsAvailable Property

Microsoft DirectShow 9.0

AudioStreamsAvailable Property

This component is available for use in the Microsoft Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003 operating systems. It may be altered or unavailable in subsequent versions.

The AudioStreamsAvailable property retrieves the number of audio streams available in the current title.


[ iStreams = ] MSWebDVD.AudioStreamsAvailable

Return Values

Returns an integer value from 1 through 8 representing the number of audio streams available in the current title.


This property is read-only with no default value. The primary use of multiple audio streams is to provide movie soundtracks in more than one language. Typically, not every title on a disc has all audio streams enabled. For example, the feature movie might have soundtracks in three different languages, but the trailers might have only an English soundtrack. Before a user can select a stream, the application must determine which streams are available within the current title. Note that particular streams are identified by an index from zero through 7.

Discs generally present a menu showing the available soundtracks, enabling the user to select the audio stream to enable.

See Also