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The IAVIFile interface supports opening and manipulating files and file headers, and creating and obtaining stream interfaces. Uses IUnknown::QueryInterface, IUnknown::AddRef, and IUnknown::Release in addition to the following custom methods:

Method Description
CreateStream Creates a stream for writing.
EndRecord Writes the "REC" chunk in a tightly interleaved AVI file.
GetStream Opens a stream by accessing it in a file.
Info Fills and returns an AVIFileInfo structure with information about a file.
Open Initializes a file handler.
ReadData Reads file headers data, format data, or nonaudio and nonvideo data.
WriteData Writes file headers data, format data, or nonaudio and nonvideo data.


**  Windows NT/2000/XP:** Included in Windows NT 3.1 and later.
**  Windows 95/98/Me:** Included in Windows 95 and later.
**  Header:** Declared in Vfw.h.
**  Library:** Use Vfw32.lib.

See Also

Custom File and Stream Handlers, Custom File and Stream Handler Interfaces