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compareVersions Method

This topic documents a feature of Binary Behaviors, which are obsolete as of Internet Explorer 10.

Obsolete. Compares two version numbers.


iResult = clientCaps.compareVersions(sVersionNumber1, sVersionNumber2)


sVersionNumber1 Required. A String that specifies the first of two version numbers to compare.
sVersionNumber2 Required. A String that specifies the second of two version numbers to compare.

Return Value

Returns one of the following values:

  • -1
    sVersionNumber1 is less than sVersionNumber2
  • 0
    sVersionNumber1 is equal to sVersionNumber2
  • 1
    sVersionNumber1 is greater than sVersionNumber2


 New for Windows Internet Explorer 9 Internet Explorer 9. Obsolete. Do not use.


This example uses the compareVersions method to compare the version of the installed Microsoft virtual machine component with a specified version.

<HTML xmlns:IE >
@media all {
      IE\:clientCaps {behavior:url(#default#clientcaps)}

<IE:clientCaps ID="oClientCaps" /> 
    sMSvmVersion = oClientCaps.getComponentVersion 
    if (0 == oClientCaps.compareVersions(sMSvmVersion, "5,0,18,1024"))
        window.alert ("Versions matched!");

Applies To


See Also

ClientCaps, Using DHTML Behaviors, getComponentVersion, isComponentInstalled