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How to: Connect Zones and Logical Servers 

In Logical Datacenter Designer, you can define communication pathways between logical servers and zones by connecting them through their endpoints. The types of communication pathways you can define will be affected by zone and zone endpoint constraints:

  • Zone constraints control the types of logical servers that you can place in a zone. For more information, see How to: Prevent Logical Servers from Being Hosted in Zones.

  • Zone endpoint constraints control the types of logical server endpoints through which communication is permitted in and out of the zone.


    Logical server endpoint constraints control the types of application endpoints that a logical server endpoint can host.

Use the following procedure to connect logical servers and zones together on a logical datacenter diagram.

To connect zones and logical servers using the New Connection dialog box or Delegate to Endpoint dialog box

  1. Select the endpoint you want to connect.

  2. On the Diagram menu, choose one of the following:

    • Connect to connect an endpoint outside a zone. In the New Connection dialog box, select the destination logical server or zone and then an existing endpoint. To create a new complementary endpoint, choose <new endpoint>.


      Choosing Connect on a logical server endpoint inside a zone displays logical servers or zones in the parent zone.

    • Delegate to connect to an endpoint inside a zone. In the Delegate to Endpoint dialog box, select the destination logical server or zone and then an existing endpoint. To create a new complementary endpoint, choose <new endpoint>.


      The Delegate command is available only for zones or logical servers within a zone. Choosing Delegate on a logical server endpoint inside a zone displays only the parent zone.

    A connection line and a new complementary endpoint, if applicable, appear on the diagram. The arrow at the end of the connection line shows the direction of communication.

To reroute a connection after creating it, see How to: Redraw Connections Between Zones and Logical Servers.

You can also connect zones and logical servers by drawing connections.

To connect zones and logical servers using the Connection tool

  1. In the Toolbox, select the Connection tool.

  2. Drag from an endpoint to the destination endpoint.


    You can also activate the Connection tool by pressing and holding the ALT key over an endpoint.

See Also


How to: Control Communication Across Zones
How to: Add Endpoints to Zones and Logical Servers

Other Resources

Defining Communication Pathways Between Zones and Logical Servers