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How to: Add Logical Servers to Logical Datacenter Diagrams 

Logical servers represent application hosts in the datacenter. For more information, see Overview of Logical Servers on Logical Datacenter Diagrams. Use the following procedures to add a logical server to a logical datacenter diagram and name it.

To add a logical server

  • With the diagram selected, on the Diagram menu point to Add New, and choose a logical server prototype.

    - or -

  • From the Toolbox, drag a logical server prototype to the diagram.


    If the Toolbox is not visible, open it from the View menu by choosing Toolbox, or alternately, press CTRL+ALT+X.

    A logical server appears on the diagram as the selected shape. Some logical servers display default connection points, referred to as endpoints. Connections between logical servers or logical servers and zones are made through endpoints. For more information, see Overview of Endpoints on Zones and Logical Servers and Defining Communication Pathways Between Zones and Logical Servers.

To edit the name of a logical server

  • Double-click the logical server name and edit the name in place.

    - or -

  • Select the logical server name and press F2.

    - or -

  • Select the logical server and edit the Name property in the Properties window.


    If the Properties window is not visible, press F4 to open it.

See Also

Other Resources

Modeling Logical Servers in the Datacenter