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IRemoteDesktopClientEvents::OnAutoReconnecting method

[This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.]

Applies to: desktop apps | Metro style apps

Called when the client control attempts to automatically reestablish a connection to a remote session.


void OnAutoReconnecting(
  [in]  LONG disconnectReason,
  [in]  LONG extendedDisconnectReason,
  [in]  BSTR disconnectErrorMessage,
  [in]  VARIANT_BOOL networkAvailable,
  [in]  LONG attemptCount,
  [in]  LONG maxAttemptCount


  • disconnectReason [in]
    Indicates the reason for the disconnect event.

  • extendedDisconnectReason [in]
    Specifies extended information for the disconnect event. For a list of possible values, see the ExtendedDisconnectReason property.

  • disconnectErrorMessage [in]
    A BSTR variable that contains the error message text.

  • networkAvailable [in]
    Indicates whether the network is available.

  • attemptCount [in]
    Specifies which attempt this is.

  • maxAttemptCount [in]
    Specifies which maximum number of reconnect attempts will be performed.

Return value

This method does not return a value.


Minimum supported client

Windows 8 Consumer Preview

Minimum supported server

Windows Server 8 Beta

See also




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Build date: 4/21/2012