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List of Warning Sets

A warning set is a set of special warnings that appear only when the warning set is selected. The warning sets appear in the warning list, before the standard PREfast for Drivers warnings.

Warning sets are not comprised of standard PREfast for Drivers warnings. You can include or exclude warning sets from a filter, but you cannot create or delete them.

The following screen shot shows warning sets in the PREfast Defect Log. They appear in the warning list before the warnings.

Screen shot showing warning sets in the PREfast Defect Log

The warning sets include:

  • ATL
    ATL includes. Consists of warnings about code in the Active Template Library that is included in the source.

  • INC
    All include files. Consists of warnings about code in all files that are included in the source.

  • LKRH
    LKRHash.h. Consists of warnings about code in lLkrhash.h that is included in the source.

  • MFC
    MFC includes. Consists of warnings about code in the Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC) headers that are included in the source.

  • MIDL
    Generated MIDL files. Consists of warnings about code generated by using the Microsoft Interface Description Language (MIDL) compiler.

  • NTPub
    NT public files. Consists of warnings about code in header files whose names include the characters "NTPub".

  • pft
    PREfast internal errors. Consists of warnings about errors in PREfast for Drivers that might affect its analysis of your source code.

  • VC6
    VC6 includes:. Consists of warnings about code in Visual C++ 6.0 header files that are included in the source.



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Build date: 5/3/2011