Resources Class
Applies To: Dynamics 365 (online), Dynamics 365 (on-premises), Dynamics CRM 2013, Dynamics CRM 2015, Dynamics CRM 2016
Represents a strongly-typed resource class for looking up localized strings, etc.
Namespace: Microsoft.Crm.UnifiedServiceDesk.Dynamics.Properties
Assembly: Microsoft.Crm.UnifiedServiceDesk.Dynamics (in Microsoft.Crm.UnifiedServiceDesk.Dynamics.dll)
Inheritance Hierarchy
public class Resources
Public Class Resources
Name | Description | |
ACTION | Gets a localized string similar to Action. It is read-only. |
ACTION_CALL | Gets a localized string similar to Action Call. It is read-only. |
ACTION_CALLS | Gets a localized string similar to Action Calls. It is read-only. |
ACTION_DATA | Gets a localized string similar to Action Data. It is read-only. |
ACTION_ENTITY_DONT_EXISTS | Gets a localized string similar to Action Entity Doesn't Exists. It is read-only. |
ACTIONCALL_ENTITY_DONT_EXISTS | Gets a localized string similar to Action Call Entity Doesn't Exists. It is read-only. |
ADD_ACTION | Gets a localized string similar to Add Action. It is read-only. |
ADD_FLOW_DECISION | Gets a localized string similar to Add Flow Decision. It is read-only. |
ADD_HOSTED_CONTROL | Gets a localized string similar to Add Hosted Control. It is read-only. |
agentId_or_sessionID | Gets a localized string similar to agentId or sessionID. It is read-only. |
APPLICATION | Gets a localized string similar to Application. It is read-only. |
ASSISTING | Gets a localized string similar to Assisting. It is read-only. |
ASSOCIATION_FAILED | Gets a localized string similar to Association Failed. |
ASSOCIATION_SUCCESS | Gets a localized string similar to Association success. |
AVAIL | Gets a localized string similar to Ready. It is read-only. |
BUSY | Gets a localized string similar to Busy. It is read-only. |
CACHE_RESET_REQUEST_USD_LOAD_FROMCRM_NEXTTIME | Gets a localized string similar to “A cache reset request was placed. USD will load data from CRM next time it starts.” It is read-only. |
CALLSTATE_SESSIONCHANGE | Gets a localized string similar to “CALL CONTROL PANEL >> SESSION CHANGE EVENT RAISED >> ACTIVATE : {0} , SESSION {1}”. It is read-only. |
CALLSTATE_SESSIONRESTORE | Gets a localized string similar to “CALL CONTROL PANEL >> SESSION RESTORE REFRESH >> STATE: {0}, ID: {1}”. It is read-only. |
CALLSTATE_STATUSUPDATED_RAISED | Gets a localized string similar to “CALL CONTROL PANEL >> CALLSTATEUPDATE RAISED >> STATE: {0}”. It is read-only. |
CANCEL | Gets a localized string similar to “Cancel”. It is read-only. |
CHAT_DEFAULT_STATE_AGENT_NAME | This API supports the product infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. |
CHAT_DEFAULT_STATE_STATUS_NAME | This API supports the product infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. |
CHAT_LOADING_UI_AGENT_IMAGE_TOOLTIP | This API supports the product infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. |
CHAT_STATUS_CHANGE_FAILED_ERROR | This API supports the product infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. |
CHAT_UNAVAILABLE_STATUS_NAME | This API supports the product infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. |
CHAT_UPDATE_AGENT_IMAGE_TOOLTIP | This API supports the product infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. |
CLEAR_DEBUG_OUTPUT | Gets a localized string similar to “Clear Debug Output”. It is read-only. |
CLICK_SNOOZE_TO_REMIND_AGAIN | Gets a localized string similar to “Click Snooze to be reminded again in:”. It is read-only. |
CLOSE_ACTIVITY_WITH_ID_ERROR_ONE | Gets a localized string similar to “Failed to close activity {0} with ID {2}. The error was: {1}”. It is read-only. |
COMMON_MSG_IIS_ERROR | Gets a localized string similar to “Unable to connect to the web server”. It is read-only. |
COMMON_MSGBOX_TITLE_PART1 | Gets a localized string similar to “Customer Care Accelerator”. It is read-only. |
COMMON_MSGBOX_TITLE_PART2 | Gets a localized string similar to “Maximum Sessions”. It is read-only. |
CONDITION | Gets a localized string similar to “Condition”. It is read-only. |
CONDITION_RESULT | Gets a localized string similar to “Condition Result”. It is read-only. |
CONFERENCE_NOT_IMPLEMENTED | Gets a localized string similar to “Conference isn't implemented in the demo version”. It is read-only. |
CONTEXT | Gets a localized string similar to “CONTEXT”. It is read-only. |
COPIED_TO_CLIPBOARD | Gets a localized string similar to “Copied to clipboard”. It is read-only. |
COPY_DATA_PARAMETER_TO_CLIPBOARD | Gets a localized string similar to “Copy data parameter to clipboard. It is read-only. |
CORRUPT_PARAMETERS | Gets a localized string similar to Corrupt Parameters. |
CREATED | Gets a localized string similar to “Created”. It is read-only. |
CRM_MESSAGE | Gets a localized string similar to “CRM message”. It is read-only. |
CRM_NOT_CONNECTED | Gets a localized string similar to “CRM is not yet connected”. It is read-only. |
CTI_Agent_CALL_Answer | Gets a localized string similar to “Call activated. Do you want to open the session?”. It is read-only. |
CTI_Agent_CALL_HANGUP | Gets a localized string similar to “Call disconnected. Do you want to close the session?”. It is read-only. |
CTI_Agent_SESSION_CLOSED | Gets a localized string similar to “The customer session is closed. Do you want to hang up the call?”. It is read-only. |
CTI_CALLSTATE_ANSWER | Gets a localized string similar to “Answer”. It is read-only. |
CTI_CALLSTATE_CONFERENCE | Gets a localized string similar to “Conference”. It is read-only. |
CTI_CALLSTATE_DIAL | Gets a localized string similar to “Dial”. It is read-only. |
CTI_CALLSTATE_HANGUP | Gets a localized string similar to “Hang up”. It is read-only. |
CTI_CALLSTATE_HOLD | Gets a localized string similar to “Hold”. It is read-only. |
CTI_CALLSTATE_TRANSFER | Gets a localized string similar to “Transfer”. It is read-only. |
CTI_CALLSTATE_UNHOLD | Gets a localized string similar to “Unhold”. It is read-only. |
CTI_CUSTOMER_CALL_HANGUP | Gets a localized string similar to “Call disconnected”. It is read-only. |
CTI_CUSTOMER_CALL_TITLE | Gets a localized string similar to “Customer call”. It is read-only. |
CTIDISABLED | Gets a localized string similar to “CTI Disabled”. It is read-only. |
Culture | Gets or sets the current thread's CurrentUICulture property for all resource lookups using this strongly typed resource class. |
CURRENT_SESSION_LABEL_CELL | Gets a localized string similar to “Cell”. It is read-only. |
CURRENT_SESSION_LABEL_CURRENT_APPLICATION | Gets a localized string similar to Current Application:. |
CURRENT_SESSION_LABEL_CUSTOMER_DETAILS | Gets a localized string similar to Customer Details:. |
CURRENT_SESSION_LABEL_EMAIL | Gets a localized string similar to Email. |
CURRENT_SESSION_LABEL_PHONE_NUMBER | Gets a localized string similar to Phone Number. |
DATA | Gets a localized string similar to Data. |
DATA_PARAMETERS | Gets a localized string similar to Data Parameters. |
DEBUG_OUTPUT | Gets a localized string similar to Debug Output. |
DELETE | Gets a localized string similar to Delete. |
DESKTOP_APP_LOAD_ERROR | Gets a localized string similar to Unable to restore the saved session.. |
DESKTOP_APP_SAVE_ERROR | Gets a localized string similar to DESKTOP_APP_SAVE_ERROR: Unable to save the hosted application states.. |
DESKTOP_GETNUMBER_DIAL | Gets a localized string similar to Dial. |
DESKTOP_IIS_ERROR | Gets a localized string similar to DESKTOP_IIS_ERROR: Failed to connect to the web server. Please verify that you can connect to the web server.. |
DESKTOP_LOOKUP_TEXT | Gets a localized string similar to _New Search. |
DESKTOP_MSG_SQL_EXIST | Gets a localized string similar to SQL Server can't be found. |
DESKTOP_NEW_CUSTOMER | Gets a localized string similar to _New Customer. |
DIAL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED | Gets a localized string similar to Dial isn't implemented in the demo version.. |
DIRECT_ACTION | Gets a localized string similar to Direct Action. |
DISABLE_CATCHING | Gets a localized string similar to You must disable caching for this operation to be available.. |
DISASSOCIATION_FAILED | Gets a localized string similar to Disassociation Failed. |
DISASSOCIATION_SUCCESS | Gets a localized string similar to Disassociation Success. |
DISMISS | Gets a localized string similar to Dismiss. |
DISMISS_ALL | Gets a localized string similar to Dismiss All. |
DUE | Gets a localized string similar to Due. |
DURATION | Gets a localized string similar to Duration. |
EDIT_ACTION_CALL | Gets a localized string similar to Edit Action Call. |
ERROR_CRM_BASE_URL_CONTACT_ADMIN | Gets a localized string similar to An error occurred obtaining the CRM UI Base URL. Contact your administrator.. |
ERROR_LOCATING_TASK | Gets a localized string similar to Error locating task. |
ERROR_RETRIEVING_CRM_METADATA | Gets a localized string similar to Error retrieving CRM metadata.. |
ERROR_SESSION_LINES | Gets a localized string similar to Error in Session Lines. |
ERROR_SETTING_DEFAULT_PANEL_CONTACT_ADMIN | Gets a localized string similar to There was an error setting up the default panel layout. Contact your administrator.. |
ERROR_STARTING_SHORTCUT_KEY | Gets a localized string similar to Error starting shortcut key. |
EXCEPTION | Gets a localized string similar to Exception. |
EXISTING_RECORD_UPDATE | Gets a localized string similar to This is an existing record. Would you like to update this record?. |
FAILED_CREATEENTITY_REQUESTED | Gets a localized string similar to Failed to create the entity requested. Some values weren't understood.. |
FAILED_EXECUTING_ZERO_ONE_FORYOUR_USER | Gets a localized string similar to Failed Executing {0} on {1} for your user.. |
FAILED_EXECUTING_ZERO_ONE_FORYOUR_USER_TWO | Gets a localized string similar to Failed Executing {0} on {1} for your user - {2}. |
FAILED_FIND_TARGET_TASK | Gets a localized string similar to Failed to find the target task.. |
FAILED_RESOLVE_QUEUE_ITEM_ID_ERROR_WAS | Gets a localized string similar to Failed to resolve the queue item ID. The error was: {0}. |
FAILED_ROUTE_ENTITY_QUEUE | Gets a localized string similar to Failed to route entity {0} to queue {1}. |
FAILED_ROUTE_ENTITY_QUEUE_NOT_FOUND | Gets a localized string similar to Failed to route entity {0} to queue {1}. The queue wasn't found.. |
FAILED_TO_CREATE_NEW | Gets a localized string similar to Failed to Create a new {0}. |
FAILED_TO_CREATE_NEW_ERROR | Gets a localized string similar to Failed to create a new {0}. The error was: {1}. |
FAILED_TO_DELETE_ERROR_ONE | Gets a localized string similar to Failed to delete {0}. The error was: {1}. |
FAILED_TO_DELETE_RECORD_TYPE_ID_ERROR | Gets a localized string similar to Failed to delete the record of type {0} with ID {2}. The error was: {1}. |
FAILED_TO_DELETE_ZERO | Gets a localized string similar to Failed to delete {0}. The error was: {1}. |
FAILED_TO_READ_USER_SETTINGS | Gets a localized string similar to Failed to read user settings.. |
FAILED_TO_UPD_AGENT_SCRIPT_ACTION | Gets a localized string similar to Failed to update agent script action:. |
FAILED_TO_UPDATE_USER_SETTING | Gets a localized string similar to Failed to update user setting.. |
FAILED_UPDATE_ZERO | Gets a localized string similar to Failed to update {0}. Error was: {1}. |
FAILED_UPDATE_ZERO_ERROR_ONE | Gets a localized string similar to Failed to update {0}. Error was: {1}. |
FAILED_UPDATEENTITY_REQUESTED | Gets a localized string similar to Failed to update the requested entity. Some values weren't understood.. |
GENERATE_SESSIONNAME_ERROR | Gets a localized string similar to GENERATE SESSION NAME ERROR, Control:{0}, the customer record isn't of the correct type. Expected {1}.. |
HOSTED_CONTROL | Gets a localized string similar to Hosted Control. |
HOSTED_CONTROL_ENTITY_DONT_EXISTS | Gets a localized string similar to Hosted Control Entity Doesn't Exists. |
imgSessionExp | Gets a localized resource of type System.Drawing.Bitmap. |
INITIALIZING_USD_PROCESSING_CONFIGURATION | Gets a localized string similar to Initializing USD - Processing Configuration. |
INITIALIZING_USD_PROCESSING_CURRENT_USER_INFO | Gets a localized string similar to Initializing USD - Processing Current User Info. |
INITIALIZING_USD_PROCESSING_ENVIRONMENT | Gets a localized string similar to Initializing USD - Processing Environment. |
INITIALIZING_USD_PROCESSING_ENVIRONMENT_SETTINGS | Gets a localized string similar to Initializing USD - Processing Environmental Settings. |
INITIALIZING_USD_PROCESSING_LANG_CODE | Gets a localized string similar to Initializing USD - Processing Language Codes. |
INITIALIZING_USD_PROCESSING_WORKFLOW | Gets a localized string similar to Initializing USD - Processing Workflow Configuration. |
INNER_EXCEPTION | Gets a localized string similar to InnerEx: {1}. |
KNOWLEDGEMANAGEMENT_NOT_ENABLED | Gets a localized string similar to Knowledge management not enabled. |
LOGGEDOUT | Gets a localized string similar to Not Logged In. |
LOGGING_PROVIDER_EXCEPTION | Gets a localized string similar to Logging Provider Exception: {0}. |
LOOKUP_DLG_ACCOUNTNAME | Gets a localized string similar to Account Name. |
LOOKUP_DLG_ACCOUNTNO | Gets a localized string similar to Account No. |
LOOKUP_DLG_BTN_NEW | Gets a localized string similar to New. |
LOOKUP_DLG_CANCEL | Gets a localized string similar to Cancel. |
LOOKUP_DLG_CITY | Gets a localized string similar to City. |
LOOKUP_DLG_ERROR_MSG | Gets a localized string similar to Error Message. |
LOOKUP_DLG_FIRST | Gets a localized string similar to First Name. |
LOOKUP_DLG_HOME_PHONE | Gets a localized string similar to Home Phone. |
LOOKUP_DLG_LABEL1 | Gets a localized string similar to _Email ID :. |
LOOKUP_DLG_LABEL4 | Gets a localized string similar to Or. |
LOOKUP_DLG_LABEL7 | Gets a localized string similar to _Last Name :. |
LOOKUP_DLG_LAST | Gets a localized string similar to Last Name. |
LOOKUP_DLG_LBEL10 | Gets a localized string similar to _Account No :. |
LOOKUP_DLG_LBEL8 | Gets a localized string similar to _First Name :. |
LOOKUP_DLG_LBEL9 | Gets a localized string similar to _Account Name :. |
LOOKUP_DLG_LBL5 | Gets a localized string similar to Or. |
LOOKUP_DLG_LBL6 | Gets a localized string similar to _Phone Number :. |
LOOKUP_DLG_LOOKUP_ID | Gets a localized string similar to Lookup ID. |
LOOKUP_DLG_LOOKUP_NAME | Gets a localized string similar to Lookup Name. |
LOOKUP_DLG_LOOKUP_PHONE | Gets a localized string similar to Lookup Phone. |
LOOKUP_DLG_NEED_BOTH_NAMES | Gets a localized string similar to Need both a first and last name or at least both a partial first and last name.. |
LOOKUP_DLG_NO_RECORD_SELECTED | Gets a localized string similar to There is no customer record selected.. |
LOOKUP_DLG_SELECT | Gets a localized string similar to Select. |
LOOKUP_DLG_STATE | Gets a localized string similar to State. |
LOOKUP_DLG_STREET | Gets a localized string similar to Street. |
LOOKUP_DLG_TEXT | Gets a localized string similar to Lookup Customer. |
LOOKUP_DLG_UNABLE_CUST_ID | Gets a localized string similar to Unable to find the specified customer.. |
LOOKUP_DLG_UNABLE_CUST_NAME | Gets a localized string similar to Unable to find a customer with the specified name.. |
LOOKUP_DLG_UNABLE_CUST_PHONE_NUMBER | Gets a localized string similar to Unable to find a customer with the specified phone number.. |
LOOKUP_DLG_UNABLE_CUST_RECORD | Gets a localized string similar to Unable to find the customer record.. |
LOOKUP_DLG_WORK_PHONE | Gets a localized string similar to Work Phone. |
LOOKUP_DLG_ZIPCODE | Gets a localized string similar to Zip Code. |
LOSE_UNSAVED_CHANGES | Gets a localized string similar to Are you sure you want to lose any unsaved changes?. |
MAIN | Gets a localized string similar to Main. |
MAIN_PANEL | Gets a localized string similar to Main Panel. |
MAX_SESSION_COUNT_REACHED | Gets a localized string similar to The maximum number of sessions was reached.. |
MAXIMUM_ALLOWED_HOSTED_CONTROLS | Gets a localized string similar to The maximum allowed items have been loaded into this hosted control. Close some items and try again.. |
MAXIMUM_BROWSER_INSTANCE | Gets a localized string similar to The maximum allowable browser instances have been loaded. Close a window and try again.. |
Maximum_Browser_Limit_Reached | ||
MAXIMUM_SESSION_COUNT_EXCEEDED | Gets a localized string similar to Maximum Session Count Exceeded. |
MAXIMUM_SESSION_COUNT_EXCEEDED_CLOSE_EXISTING_SESSION | Gets a localized string similar to The maximum session count was exceeded. Close an existing session and try again.. |
MINUTE | Gets a localized string similar to minute. |
MINUTES | Gets a localized string similar to minutes. |
NAME | Gets a localized string similar to Name. |
NEW_SESSION | Gets a localized string similar to New Session. |
NEW_WORKFLOW | Gets a localized string similar to New Workflow. |
NO_DATA_FOUND_CREATE_RECORD | Gets a localized string similar to No data found to create record.. |
NO_DATA_RETURNED_FROM_SEARCH_NO_ID_PRESENT | Gets a localized string similar to No data returned from search, or no ID was present.. |
NO_QUEUE_ITEM_FOUND_ID_ERROR | Gets a localized string similar to No queue item found for id {0}. The error was: {1}. |
NOT_ALL_ACTION_CALLS_AVAILABLE_ABORTING_CALL_PARAMETERS | Gets a localized string similar to Not all parameters in the action call {0} are available, stopping the action call. The parameters are : {1}. |
NOTAVAIL | Gets a localized string similar to Not Ready. |
NotesControl_InitialText | Gets a localized string similar to Enter notes here.... |
OK | Gets a localized string similar to OK. |
ONCALLACTIVE | Gets a localized string similar to On Call - Active. |
ONCALLHOLD | Gets a localized string similar to On Call - On Hold. |
OPEN_EXISTING_WORKFLOW | Gets a localized string similar to Open Existing Workflow. |
OPEN_FILE_ERROR | Gets a localized string similar to Open File Error. |
OPEN_ITEM | Gets a localized string similar to Open Item. |
PARAMETERS | Gets a localized string similar to Parameters. |
PERMISSION_ISSUE_CONTACT_ADMINISTRATOR | Gets a localized string similar to Unable to set the working set. There may be a permission issue. Contact an administrator.. |
picHelpIcon_Image | Gets a localized resource of type System.Drawing.Bitmap. |
QUEUE_CACHE_RESET_REQUEST | Gets a localized string similar to Queued Cache Reset Request. |
RAW_ACTION | Gets a localized string similar to Raw Action. |
REFRESH_ACTION_CALLS | Gets a localized string similar to Refresh Action Calls. |
REFRESH_ACTIONS | Gets a localized string similar to Refresh Actions. |
REFRESH_FAILED | Gets a localized string similar to Refresh failed. |
REFRESH_HOSTED_CONTROLS | Gets a localized string similar to Refresh Hosted Controls. |
RENEWSESSION_EXCEPTION | Gets a localized string similar to EXCEPTION IN RENEW SESSION . |
REPLACEMENT_PARAMETERS_NOT_REPLACED | Gets a localized string similar to Search failed because the replacement parameters in the FetchXML weren't replaced.. |
REPLACEMENT_PARAMETERS_NOT_SUCCESSFUL | Gets a localized string similar to Not all replacement parameters were replaced successfully.. |
REQUIRE_HIGH_VER_GLOBAL_MNGR_CONTACT_ADMIN | Gets a localized string similar to This application requires that the CRM Server you're connecting to have at least version of the CRM Global Manager Solution. Contact your system administrator.. |
ResourceManager | Gets the cached ResourceManager instance used by this class. |
RESULT | Gets a localized string similar to Result. |
RUN | Gets a localized string similar to Run. |
RUN_ACTION_CALL | Gets a localized string similar to Run Action Call. |
RUN_DIRECT_ACTION | Gets a localized string similar to Run Direct Action. |
SAVE_ACTION_CALL | Gets a localized string similar to Save as Action Call. |
SAVE_AS | Gets a localized string similar to Save As. |
SAVE_WORKFLOW | Gets a localized string similar to Save Workflow. |
ScriptControl_HeaderLabel | Gets a localized string similar to CALL SCRIPT. |
ScriptControl_InstructionsLabel | Gets a localized string similar to Instructions. |
ScriptControl_ScriptTextLabelContent | Gets a localized string similar to Script. |
SEARCH | Gets a localized string similar to Search. |
SECONDS | Gets a localized string similar to seconds. |
SELECT_HOSTEDCONTROL_ACTION | Gets a localized string similar to Select a hosted control and an action. |
SESSION_COUNT_EXCEEDED | Gets a localized string similar to Session Count Exceeded. |
SESSION_EXPLORER_CLOSE_SESSION | Gets a localized string similar to Close Session. |
SESSION_EXPLORER_MODULE_NAME | Gets a localized string similar to _Session Explorer. |
SESSION_EXPLORER_SESSIONS_COUNT | Gets a localized string similar to - {0} Session(s). |
SESSION_TIME | Gets a localized string similar to Session Time :. |
SessionTimerLabelPrefixText | Gets a localized string similar to Session Time. |
SETCONTEXTERROR | Gets a localized string similar to SET CONTEXT ERROR, Control:{0}, the customer record isn't of the correct type. Expected {1}.. |
SNOOZE | Gets a localized string similar to Snooze. |
SOURCE | Gets a localized string similar to Source. |
STACK_TWO | Gets a localized string similar to Stack:{2}. |
START_UP_EXCEPTION | Gets a localized string similar to Start up exception. |
SUBJECT | Gets a localized string similar to Subject. |
UNABLE_FIND_SEARCHDEFINITION_NAME | Gets a localized string similar to Search unable to find Search Definition by name.. |
UNABLE_LOAD_USD_CONFIGURATION | Gets a localized string similar to Unable to load USD configuration:. |
UNABLE_LOAD_USD_CRM | Gets a localized string similar to Unable to load USD configuration: Unable to load data from CRM.. |
UNABLE_LOAD_XML | Gets a localized string similar to Unable to load XAML.. |
UNABLE_PARSE_ID_OR_ID_NOT_PRESENT | Gets a localized string similar to Unable to parse ID data, or no ID was present.. |
UNABLE_PARSE_REQUESTED_DATA_NO_DATA_PRESENT | Gets a localized string similar to Unable to parse requested data, or no data was present.. |
UNABLE_RETRIEVE_CONFIGURATIONVALUEREADER | Gets a localized string similar to Unable to retrieve the configuration value reader.. |
UNABLE_TO_LOAD_THEME | Gets a localized string similar to Unable to load theme.. |
UNABLE_TO_PARSE_ID | Gets a localized string similar to Unable to parse ID.. |
UNRECOGNIZED_COMMAND | Gets a localized string similar to Unrecognized command.. |
UNSAVED_CHANGES | Gets a localized string similar to Unsaved changes.. |
UPDATE | Gets a localized string similar to Update?. |
UPDATE_DATA_PARAMETERS | Gets a localized string similar to Update data parameters.. |
USD_REQUIRE_HIGH_VER_GLOBAL_MNGR | Gets a localized string similar to This Unified Service Desk requires at least version of the CRM Global Manager Solution.. |
USER_SETTING_NAME_NOT_SPECIFIED | Gets a localized string similar to The user setting name wasn't specified, a name for the user setting is required to save user settings.. |
VALUE | Gets a localized string similar to Value. |
WINDOW_ROUTE_LOAD_EXCEPTION | Gets a localized string similar to Window Route Load Exception: {0}. |
WORKFLOW | Gets a localized string similar to Workflow. |
WORKFLOW_BTN_CANCEL | Gets a localized string similar to Cancel. |
WORKFLOW_BTN_DONE | Gets a localized string similar to Done. |
WORKFLOW_BTN_NEXT | Gets a localized string similar to _Next. |
WORKFLOW_BTN_PREVIOUS | Gets a localized string similar to _Previous. |
WORKFLOW_BTN_START | Gets a localized string similar to Start. |
WORKFLOW_CANCEL_CONFIRM | Gets a localized string similar to Are you sure you want to cancel the workflow?. |
WORKFLOW_COMBO_DEFAULT_ITEM | Gets a localized string similar to Select a workflow.. |
WORKFLOW_COMPLETE_CONFIRM | Gets a localized string similar to Are you sure you want to complete the workflow?. |
WORKFLOW_COMPLETE_STEP | Gets a localized string similar to Complete all the steps to finish the workflow.. |
WORKFLOW_ERR_AGENTID_SESSIONID_NULL | Gets a localized string similar to Either the Agent ID or the Session ID is null.. |
WORKFLOW_ERR_GET_PENDING_WORKFLOW | Gets a localized string similar to Couldn't get the pending workflow content.. |
WORKFLOW_ERR_GET_WORKFLOWS | Gets a localized string similar to Couldn't get the available workflows for the Agent.. |
WORKFLOW_ERR_LISTVIEW_UPDATE | Gets a localized string similar to Couldn't update the list view of the workflow.. |
WORKFLOW_ERR_SAVE_ACTIVE_WORKFLOW | Gets a localized string similar to The Save Workflow web method caused the problem.. |
WORKFLOW_ERR_SET_WORKFLOW_DATA_FROM_XML | Gets a localized string similar to There is a problem in the XML content of the available workflow.. |
WORKFLOW_EXECUTION_FAILED | Gets a localized string similar to Workflow Execution Failed. |
WORKFLOW_GET_WORKFLOW_STEPS | Gets a localized string similar to WORKFLOW_GET_WORKFLOW_STEPS: There is a problem in the XML content of a workflow's steps or in setting the active workflow.. |
WORKFLOW_LBL_CURRENT_WORKFLOW | Gets a localized string similar to _Workflow. |
WORKFLOW_LBL_DEFAULT | Gets a localized string similar to _Workflow. |
WORKFLOW_LBL_FORCED | Gets a localized string similar to (Forced). |
WORKFLOW_LBL_HELP | Gets a localized string similar to Help. |
WORKFLOW_LBL_HELPCONTENTS | Gets a localized string similar to Help Contents. |
WORKFLOW_LBL_NON_FORCED | Gets a localized string similar to (Non-Forced). |
WORKFLOW_LBL_STEPS | Gets a localized string similar to Workflow Steps. |
WORKFLOW_LOGGING_INFO_NO_ACCESS_TO_STEPS | Gets a localized string similar to “The Agent doesn't have access to the hosted applications corresponding to the following steps of the selected workflow.” |
WORKFLOW_LOGGING_INFO_NO_ACCESS_TO_WORKFLOWS | Gets a localized string similar to “The Agent doesn't have access to any workflows. Contact the system administrator.” |
WORKFLOW_MODULE_NAME | Gets a localized string similar to Workflow. |
WORKFLOW_MSGBOX_ALL_STEPS_NOT_COMPLETED | Gets a localized string similar to Forced workflow can't be closed without completing all workflow steps.. |
WORKFLOW_MSGBOX_NO_ACCESS_TO_STEPS_ASK_PART1 | Gets a localized string similar to You don't have access to the hosted applications corresponding to the following steps of the selected workflow.. |
WORKFLOW_MSGBOX_NO_ACCESS_TO_STEPS_ASK_PART2 | Gets a localized string similar to Do you wish to continue?. |
WORKFLOW_MSGBOX_TITLE_PART2 | Gets a localized string similar to Workflow. |
WRAPUP | Gets a localized string similar to Call Wrap-up. |
Name | Description | |
Equals(Object) | (Inherited from Object.) |
Finalize() | (Inherited from Object.) |
GetHashCode() | (Inherited from Object.) |
GetType() | (Inherited from Object.) |
MemberwiseClone() | (Inherited from Object.) |
ToString() | (Inherited from Object.) |
Thread Safety
Any public static ( Shared in Visual Basic) members of this type are thread safe. Any instance members are not guaranteed to be thread safe.
See Also
Microsoft.Crm.UnifiedServiceDesk.Dynamics.Properties Namespace
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Unified Service Desk 2.0
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